Janine Larmon Peterson

Director of the Honors Program; Professor of History; Coordinator of Medieval and Renaissance Studies


Dr. Peterson is a Professor of History, Director of the Honors Program, a faculty co-advisor for the Marist branch of the History Honor Society, Phi Alpha Theta, Coordinator for the Medieval and Renaissance Studies Minor, and a Marist LGBTQ+ Ally. Besides teaching medieval and early modern courses for the History Department at Marist, Dr. Peterson offers courses on specialized topics such as "History of Witchcraft and Sorcery," "Medieval Misfits," "Medieval Cultures in Contact," and "Medieval Gender and Sexuality" for the history department and the honors program and also teaches First Year Seminars (e.g., "Europe and the 'Barbarians'" and "Beyond Game of Thrones").

She was a submissions editor for the journal Hortulus, as well as a reviewer/fact checker for The Rosen Publishing Group. Dr. Peterson served on an Awards Committee of the Society for Italian Historical Studies, was elected to three terms on the executive committee of The Hagiography Society as the Communications Chair, was on the Advisory Board of the Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship, is an Affiliated Scholar at the Center for Medieval Studies, Fordham University, and is the editor for Medieval Europe for the massive international digital humanities project, Database of Religious History.


Research Interests / Areas of Focus

Selected Publications

Selected Presentations

Awards and Honors

Janine Larmon Peterson

Contact Information

Academic School

School of Liberal Arts


Fontaine 228




(845) 575-3000 ext. 2556