Image of students working together at a chalk board.

Sponsored Programs and Research Office (SPRO)

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Recent Academic Grant Awards


Principal Investigator Title Sponsor Award Amount
John Ansley Conservation Preservation Discretionary Scenic Hudson Administrative History Collection Microfilm Project The State Education Department $39,928
John Ansley Hudson River Society Collection Microfilming Project NYS Department of Education  $39,494
John Ansley Administrative History Collection Microfilming Project Scenic Hudson, Inc.  $39,101
Judy Diffenderfer Library Collection Aid NYS Department of Education  $10,460


School of Computer Science & Mathematics

Principal Investigator Title Sponsor Award Amount
Scott Frank Elastic Wave Propagation Mechanisms in Underwater Acoustic Environments Office of Naval Research $95,000
Casimer DeCusatis
Rob Cannistra
Alan Labouseur
Roger Norton
Bill Thirsk
Campus Cyberinfrastructure - Data, Networking, and Innovation Program (CC*DNI) National Science Foundation $690,730


School of Liberal Arts

Principal Investigator Title Sponsor Award Amount
Andrei Buckareff Exploring Alternative Conception of God II John Templeton Foundation $51,756
Melissa Gaeke Summer Internships in Literacy & Youth Development (JLS) John Ben Snow Memorial Trust $20,000


School of Management

Principal Investigator Title Sponsor Award Amount
Ann Davis McHenry Award Open Space $6,000
Tia Gaynor with Rutgers University

Intersectional Subjection and Law Enforcement: Examining Perceptions Held by LGBTQ People of Color in New Orleans, LA

National Institute of Justice

Jay Pantaleo Fragile Economies Project Newburgh Ministries $50,000
Ann Davis Hudson River Heritage National Historic Landmark District Update Hudson River Heritage $2,300


School of Science

Principal Investigator Title Sponsor Award Amount
Paula Checchi Role of Higher Order Chromatin Structure in Gamete Formation National Institutes of Health $332,248
James DuMond Enhancing River Access for Experimental Education Hudson River Estuary $54,674
Zofia Gagnon

Perched Culvert’s Effects on Downstream Eel Habitat in Hudson River Streams

Hudson River Foundation $5,300
Zofia Gagnon

Effects of Tributaries in the Transport of Microplastics in the Hudson Valley Watershed

Hudson River Foundation $5,300
Zofia Gagnon   Polgar Research $5,200
Zofia Gagnon   Polgar Research $5,200
Neil Fitzgerald

Development of Portable GCMS Methods for in-Situ Monitoring of the Malting Process and Early Detection of Barley Contamination

ASBC Research Council 


Megan Dennis Role of AP-3 in Protein Sorting and Autophagy in Melanosome Biogenesis National Institutes of Health  $379,914
Zion Klos Assessing the potential for harmful algal blooms (HABs) in the Hudson River: Spatial abundance cyanobacteria and abiotic controls T. Polgar Fellowship $6,500



Principal Investigator Title Sponsor Award Amount
Melinda Martinez Liberty Partnership  NYS Dept. of Education $309,011
Jean Vizvary   NYS Dept. of Education $1,212,010
Barbara Calvalho

Public Opinion Survey to Identify How Hudson Valley (NY) Residents Acquire Information About the Hudson River

Hudson River Estuary of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation


Upward Bound   US Dept. of Education $702,615