Image of the COACHE committee. Image of the COACHE committee.

Speak, Inspire, Transform



Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education




COACHE Faculty Survey

Marist is undergoing a multi-year improvement cycle through Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) Faculty Satisfaction process. Learn more about this process and keep updated here.

The Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education is a research-practice partnership based in the Harvard Graduate School of Education. COACHE studies the work lives of faculty, gathering data that can help administrators create a better faculty experience. Studies are conducted in partnership with college and university leaders in both faculty and administration. The survey assesses key aspects of the faculty experience and results are used to inspire actions and improvements.




Led by the Harvard Graduate School of Education, a national leader in assessing institutions of higher education, the survey assesses key aspects of the faculty experience. Survey results are used to inspire concrete actions and improvements.


Image of the COACHE timeline.

Image of Dr. Catherine Kodat speaking during commencement.

Message from Catherine Gunther Kodat, Provost and Dean of Faculty

"Bringing Harvard’s COACHE Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey to Marist gives us the tools to identify and nurture the conditions leading to truly engaged teaching and learning. By comparing Marist’s results with those of other leading institutions, the COACHE survey provides vital information about how we can support and develop our diverse intellectual strengths to build programs advancing faculty development and equitable community."

An image of the Marist campus.

Page break with Marist "M"


Addrain Conyers, PhD (Co-Chair)
Assistant Provost for Faculty Development/
Associate Professor of Criminal Justice
(845) 575-3000 ext. 3629


Kimery Levering, PhD (Co-Chair)
Associate Professor, Psychology
(845) 575-3000 ext. 2568