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Arzu Karaduman
Visiting Lecturer in Media Studies and Production
Arzu Karaduman studies sound in contemporary global cinemas and film philosophy. She has presented widely in national and international conferences and published on film sound, film philosophy, psychoanalysis and film, and gender and race in contemporary global cinemas.
Dr. Karaduman is currently working on turning her dissertation titled “Sounding Anew: Anasonicity in Contemporary Global Cinemas” into a book. Conceptually modeled on Akira Lippit’s Atomic Light, “Sounding Anew” devises anasonicity as a new theory about sound in cinema and generates other terms to address sound techniques disrupting synchronization in contemporary global cinemas. In her research, Dr. Karaduman pays particular attention to how contemporary cinemas challenge synchronization by playing with the thresholds between audibility and inaudibility in novel ways.
Ph.D., Moving Image Studies, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, 2018
M.A., Communication and Design, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, 2007
B.A., American Culture and Literature, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, 2004
Research Interests / Areas of Focus
Sound in contemporary global art cinemas, film philosophy, theories of visuality, and questions of race and gender in cinema
Selected Publications
"Crystal Sounds in Contemporary Global Cinemas" The Soundtrack, 14(1), 3–17 (2023).
"Seeing a film in blindfolds: Cinema experience with EarFilms" Sound Studies 8(2), 149–162 (2022).
"'Hush-hush, I will know when I know': Post-black sound aesthetics in Moonlight" liquid blackness 4(7), 60–81 (2017).
Selected Presentations
"The Revenant’s Sonic Revenant: Echoing Sonic Flashbacks," The Journal of SineFilozofi International Symposium on Cinema and Philosophy V, Ankara, Turkey. 2022.
"Audio mise-en-abyme and aural black-out: Ceylan’s sonic aesthetics of mourning," European Network for Cinema and Media Studies (NECS), Gdansk, Poland. 2019.
"Narcissism Adrift in Sound in Cinema: cryptic voices in Nuri Bilge Ceylan’s Three Monkeys & Once Upon a Time in Anatolia," Film Studies Association of Canada Annual Conference (FSAC), Vancouver BC, Canada. 2019.
"Crystal Sounds of Moonlight & Nenette et Boni," Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS), Toronto, Canada. 2018.
"Asonority: Derrida in Film Sound Theory," Derrida Today Conference, Online, 2022.
"Seeing a Film in Blindfolds: Sonic Immersion, Media Convergence," Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS), Online, 2021.
"Anasonicity: Echoing Sonic Flashback in Lady Vengeance," Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS), Chicago, IL. 2017.
"Cryptic Voices: Hauntings from the Past from the Future," Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS), Atlanta, GA. 2016.
"From Psychoanalysis to Film-Philosophy: What is Cryptonymy?" Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS), Seattle, WA. 2014.
"Listen to the call: Enter the Void!," Rendering (the) Visible II: Figure Conference, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA. 2014.
"Girls with Dragon Tattoos or Men Who Hate Women," Film Plenary Session, Film and Television in the 21st Century Conference, TCU, Fort Worth, TX. 2012.
Awards and Honors
The 2023 National Intergroup Dialogue Institute, June 2023
Instructional Development Award, The Center for Faculty Excellence at Ithaca College, 2023
Early Career Excellence Institute, The Center for Faculty Excellence at Ithaca College, 2021 & 2022
CornellX MOOC Certificate: Teaching & Learning in the Diverse Classroom, March 2021
First-Year Seminar Institute Grant - The Ithaca Seminars, Integrative Core Curriculum, and The Center for Faculty Excellence at Ithaca College, Fall 2019
James B. Pendleton Research and Development Grant - Ithaca College, April 2019
James B. Pendleton Instructional Development Grant - Ithaca College, Nov 2018
Provost’s Dissertation Fellowship Grant - Office of the Provost for Graduate Programs, Georgia State University, January–June 2018
![Image of Arzu Karaduman.](/documents/86200/157483/facbio-SCA_Karaduman_Arzu.jpg/b91c4a15-4432-0b20-04c5-9612eb88132e?t=1695904091853)