Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.About
Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Academics
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Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Admission & Financial Aid
Student Life
Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Student Life
- Athletics
Robert M. Cannistra
Distinguished Professional Lecturer of Computer Science, Information Technology & Systems
Mr. Robert M. Cannistra has held the positions of Northeast Regional Manager, Technical Services Manager and Senior Consultant for VLINK Solutions, previously known as AllTechData Systems, a Cisco Partner. His time at VLINK was spent designing, configuring, and implementing highly accessible data networks for various enterprise, service provider and Internet companies across the world. Upon the completion of each client implementation, Mr. Cannistra would create and instruct customized training classes to help the client administer, manage and troubleshoot the newly designed networks. He has taught part-time as an adjunct faculty member for RPI, in Troy, NY and as a technical instructor for MTI, in Poughkeepsie, NY. Prior to VLINK Solutions, Mr. Cannistra held the position of Senior Network Engineer for About.com, Inc. where he redesigned and scaled the network to handle several million Internet users. He specialized in Internet infrastructure at AT&T Solutions. While at Unisys Corporation he specialized in a proprietary distributed paperless workflow environment. Prior to Unisys he consulted for Kodak Imaging Services optimizing and upgrading their mixed NT/Novell network environment utilizing Lotus Notes collaboration tools.
BS State University of New York at Brockport
MS Marist College
Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure System Engineer.
Open Networking Foundation (ONF) Certified SDN Associate (OCSA).
Palo Alto Networks Accredited Configuration Engineer (ACE).
Cisco Certified Network Professional Data Center (CCNP Data Center).
Cisco Data Center Support for UC Specialist.
Cisco Data Center Unified Computing Design Specialist.
Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric Design Specialist.
Cisco Unified Computing Technology Design Specialist.
Cisco Unified Computing Technology Support Specialist.
Cisco Unified Fabric Technology Support Specialist.
Cisco Certified Network Associate Data Center (CCNA Data Center).
Certified Cisco Networking Academy Instructor Trainer.
Cisco Certified Security Professional (CCSP).
Cisco IPS Specialist.
4013 Recognition.
Cisco Information Security Specialist (CS-CISecS).
Information Systems Security (INFOSEC) Professional Recognition (National Security Agency (NSA) and the Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS) 4011 Training Standard).
Cisco Certified Academy Instructor (CCAI).
Cisco Certified Design Professional (CCDP).
Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP).
Cisco Certified Design Associate (CCDA).
Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA Routing and Switching).
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE, MCP+I, MCP).
Certified Lotus Professional (CLP).
Certified Lotus Specialist (CLS).
Research Interests / Areas of Focus
Mr. Cannistra's specializes in network infrastructure, design, implementation and troubleshooting. His interest lies within virtualizing network functions to provide a secure policy-based service chain within SDNs.
- Software Defined Networking (SDN).
- Network Functions Virtualization (NFV).
- Secure Multi-tenancy.
- Policy-Based Service Chaining.
Selected Publications
DeCusatis, C., Carle, B., Cannistra, R., “Energy Efficient Networks for Hybrid Cloud Storage-as-a-Service using Software-Defined Networking”, submitted – waiting to hear on acceptance.
DeCusatis, C., Cannistra, R., Ludovic, H., “Managing Multi-tenant Services for Software Defined Cloud Data Center Networks”, 2014 IEEE 6th International Conference on Adaptive Science & Technology (ICAST 2014: 29-31 Oct. 2014), Nigeria, October 2014.
DeCusatis, C., Cannistra, R., Carle, B., Johnson, M., Kapadia, J., Meath, Z., Miller, M., Young, D., Bundy, T., Zussman, G., Bergman, K., Carranza, A., Sher-DeCusatis, C., Pletch, A., Ransom, R., “Dynamic orchestration test bed for SDN and NFV at the New York State Center for Cloud Computing & Analytics”, Optical Fiber Communications Conference (OFC) 2014, San Francisco, CA, March 2014.
DeCusatis, C., Haley, M., Bundy, T., Cannistra, R., Wallner, R., Parraga, J., Flaherty, R., “Dynamic, software-defined service provider network infrastructure and cloud drivers for SDN adoption”, IEEE International Conference on Communications 2013: IEEE ICC’13 – 2nd Workshop on Clouds, Networks and Data Centers, June 2013.
Cannistra, R., DeCusatis, C., Haley, M., Bundy, T., Wallner, R., Flaherty, R., Parraga, J. Dynamic, Software-defined Service Provider Network Infrastructure. IEEE International Conference Communications 2013; IEEE ICC’13 – 2nd Workshop on Clouds, Networks, and Data Centers. Budapest, Hungary, June 13, 2013.
Technical Reviewer for Small Market Trial of Cisco Networking Academy CCNA 5.0 curricula, 04/2013.
Cannistra, R., Scheuing, M. Cisco CCNA Voice Portable Command Guide, Cisco Press, February 12, 2013, ISBN-10: 1-58720-442-8, ISBN-13: 978-1-58720-442-5.
Technical Reviewer for Small Market Trial of Cisco Networking Academy CCNP SWITCH curricula, 05/2010.
Technical Reviewer for Small Market Trial of Cisco Networking Academy CCNP ROUTE curricula, 05/2010.
Technical Reviewer for Small Market Trial of Cisco Networking Academy CCNP TSHOOT curricula, 03/2010.
Technical Reviewer for Small Market Trial of Cisco Networking Academy CCNA Security curricula, 03/2009 & 06/2009.
Technical Editor CompTIA’s Security+ Flash Cards, published by Pearson Education, 2009.
Technical Reviewer, “Passwords Authentication” in The Handbook of Computer Networks, published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 06/2006.
Technical Reviewer, “Passwords Authentication” in The Handbook of Information Security, published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2004.
Selected Presentations
Invited Presentations
Cannistra, R., “Network Programmability” at the Northeast Cisco Academy Conference in Troy, NY, 06/2016.
Cannistra, R., “Nested Orchestration in a Heterogeneous Software Defined Infrastructure”, SDN & OpenFlow World Congress, Düsseldorf, Germany, October 2015.
Cannistra, R., “EtherChannel and HSRP” at the Northeast Cisco Academy Conference in Troy, NY, 06/2015.
Cannistra, R., “Multi-Area OSPF” at the Northeast Cisco Academy Conference in Troy, NY, 06/2015.
Cannistra, R., “VPNs” at the Northeast Cisco Academy Conference in Troy, NY, 06/2015.
Cannistra, R., Ferguson, C., Iori, M., Maud, K., Miller, M., “A Collaborative Approach for Developing Next Generation Networks”, The IEEE Mid-Hudson Section Workshop on Advanced Technology for Next Generation Computing, New Paltz, NY, November 2014.
Cannistra, R., Carle, B., DeCusatis, Bundy, T., “Software Defined Networking – Real World Use Cases with a live Hybrid Cloud Connectivity demonstration”, North American Symposium hosted by ADVA Optical Networking, New York, NY, September 2014.
Cannistra, R., Johnson, M., Kippins, A., Proce, C., “Software Defined Networking from the ground up using OpenFlow”, IEEE 27th Biennial Symposium on Communications (QSBC), Kingston, ON, Canada, June 2014.
Cannistra, R., “Getting Started with SDN in the Enterprise”, Open Networking Exchange (ONX) conference, Rosemont, IL, May 2014.
Cannistra, R., “Orchestrating Applications to the Network Using a Top Down Approach with SDN”, Open Networking Exchange (ONX) conference, Rosemont, IL, May 2014.
Cannistra, R., DeCusatis, C., Bundy, T., Meath, Z., Miller, M., “A New Approach for Developing Technology and Building Partnerships”, KINBER conference, Harrisburg, PA, April 2014.
Cannistra, R., “EtherChannel Simplified”, Worldwide Cisco Academy Conference, March 2014.
Cannistra, R., “A Teaching Topology”, Worldwide Cisco Academy Conference, March 2014.
Cannistra, R., “OpenFlow: Open Standard for Networking Hardware”, Mid-Hudson Valley Linux User Group meeting, Poughkeepsie, NY, December 2013.
Cannistra, R., “Network Virtualization and SDN”, Panel Discussion, INTEROP, New York, NY, October 2013.
Cannistra, R., Carle, B., Johnson, M., Kapadia, J., Meath, Z., Miller, M., Young, D., “Demonstrating Automated VM Movement and L1+L2 Provisioning using OpenFlow”, SDN & OpenFlow World Congress, Bad Homburg, Germany, October 2013.
Cannistra, R., Carle, B., DeCusatis, C., Johnson, M., Bundy, T., Kapadia, J., Meath, Z., Miller, M., Young, D., “Software Defined Networking – Real World Use Cases”, North American Symposium hosted by ADVA Optical Networking, New York, NY, September 2013.
Cannistra, R., DeCusatis, C., Illmer, C., “SDN and OpenFlow in Optical Networks”, SDN & OpenFlow IBM Workshop in Bratislava, Slovakia, September 2013.
Cannistra, R., “Software Defined Networking”, IBM Center of Excellence, Toronto, ON Canada, July 2013.
Cannistra, R., “Security: Utilizing Site-to-Site VPNs” at the Northeast Cisco Academy Conference in Troy, NY, 06/2013.
Cannistra, R., “CCNA Voice” at the Northeast Cisco Academy Conference in Troy, NY, 06/2013.
Cannistra, R., “EtherChannel” at the Northeast Cisco Academy Conference in Troy, NY, 06/2013.
Cannistra, R., “Openflow at Marist” for IBM at the IBM Wall Street Center of Excellence in Manhattan, NY, 04/03/2013.
Cannistra, R., “Converged Networking for the Data Center” for ECC Community Online Forum, 01/2010.
Cannistra, R., “A Cloud Curriculum” at an IEEE Workshop in New Paltz, NY, 10/2009
Cannistra, R., “Wireshark” at Cisco Networking Academy Conference in Denver, CO, 07/2009.
Cannistra, R., “Wireshark” at Cisco Networking Academy Conference in Orlando, FL, 06/2009.
Cannistra, R., “Site-to-Site VPNs Utilizing Pre-Shared Keys” at the Northeast Cisco Academy Conference in Troy, NY, 05/2007.
Cannistra, R., “Site-to-Site VPNs Utilizing Pre-Shared Keys” at the Northeast Cisco Academy Conference in Troy, NY, 05/2006.
Cannistra, R., “Using Technology To Create a Disaster Recovery Plan” for the High Tech Business Council (HTBC) at the Public Safety Training Center in Rochester, NY, 01/2006.
Cannistra, R., Career Panel Discussion at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, NY, 10/2005.
Cannistra, R., “Network Security in the Data Center” at AFCOM Data Center World in Dallas, TX, 09/2003.
Cannistra, R., Johnson, D., “Securing Cloud Environments Using Identity-Based VNFs”, Enterprise Computing Conference (ECC), Poughkeepsie, NY, June 2016.
Cannistra, R., “Open Platform for NFV”, Enterprise Computing Conference (ECC), Poughkeepsie, NY, June 2015.
Cannistra, R., “NFV Integration and Orchestration for Resource Automation within Hybrid Cloud Environments”, NFV World Congress, San Jose, CA, May 5, 2015.
Cannistra, R., DeCusatis, C., “Building a Cohesive Platform for Collaboration”, Internet2 Global Summit, Washington D.C., April 28, 2015.
DeCusatis, C., Cannistra, R., Carle, B., “A Demonstration of Energy Efficient Optical Networks for Cloud Computing using Software-Defined Provisioning”, IEEE GreenComm, November 2014.
Cannistra, R., Carle, B., Ahmed, C., Ferguson, C., Kippins, A., Maud, K., Proce, C., “Dynamic Bandwidth Provisioning for Hybrid Cloud Environments”, SDN & OpenFlow World Congress, Düsseldorf, Germany, October 2014.
Cannistra, R., DeCusatis, C., “Dynamic Management and Provisioning of Software Defined Cloud Data Centers”, Enterprise Computing Conference (ECC), Poughkeepsie, NY, June 2014.
Bundy, T., Cannistra, R., DeCusatis, C., “Video Demo and Discussion of Dynamic Software-Defined Network (SDN) Infrastructure Testbed at Marist College with IBM and ADVA Optical Networking”, Internet2 Global Summit, Denver, CO, April 2014.
Cannistra, R., DeCusatis, C., Flaherty, R., Kapadia, J., Pietrow, Kevin., “SDN Lab Initiatives”, Enterprise Computing Conference (ECC), Poughkeepsie, NY, June 2013.
Cannistra, R., DeCusatis, C., “SDN Birds of a Feather”, Enterprise Computing Conference (ECC), Poughkeepsie, NY, June 2013.
Cannistra, R., Wallner, R., Flaherty, R., Parraga, J. Software Defined Networking with Openflow. Internet2 Technology in Paradise 2013 Joint Conference, Honolulu, HI, January 2013.
Cannistra, R., Wallner, R., Flaherty, R., Parraga, J. Openflow – Software Defined Networking. 5th Enterprise Computing Community National Conference, Marist College, June 9-11, 2013.
Cannistra, R., Jeff Obrizok, J., Kenny E. Openflow at Marist. IBM Wall Street Center of Excellence, Manhattan, NY, April 2013.
Cannistra, R., Bundy, T., DeCusatis, C. Dynamic Software Defined Network (SDN) Infrastructure Test Bed at Marist College with IBM and ADVA Optical Networking. Internet2 Annual Meeting, Arlington, VA, April 2013.
Cannistra, R. Keynote Speaker: An Innovative SDN Development Lab. Internet2 Annual Meeting ADVA RETAG, Arlington, VA, Ap/ril 2013.
Cannistra, R., Flaherty, R., Parraga, J., Wallner, R. Software Defined Networking with Openflow. Internet2 Technology in Paradise 2013 Joint Conference, January 11, 2013.
Cannistra, R., Flaherty, R., Parraga, J., Wallner, R. Openflow - Software Defined Networking. Enterprise Computing Conference (ECC), June 11, 2012.
Cannistra, R. Fundamentals of SANs and SAN Security. Cisco Networking Academy Conference, San Jose, CA, June 2011.
Cannistra, R. (presentation created with Rantanen, E., White, L.) Voice, QoS, and Other New Protocols in Packet Tracer. Cisco Networking Academy Conference, Madison, WI, August 2010.
Conferences & Workshops
Program Committee Member, OIDA/CIAN/IPIC Workshop, 2017.
Advisory Board Member, Network World’s Open Network Exchange (ONX), 2014.
- Research Associate, Open Networking Foundation (ONF).
- Member, Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA).
- Member, Association of Computing Machinery (ACM).
- Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
