Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.About
Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Academics
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Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Admission & Financial Aid
Student Life
Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Student Life
- Athletics
Dr. Scott D. Frank
Professor, Mathematics
PhD Mathematics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
MS Applied Mathematics, University of Maryland Baltimore County
BS Mathematics, University of Maryland Baltimore County
Awards & Honors
Office of Naval Research, Grant N00014-14-1-0640. "Elastic wave propagation mechanisms in underwater acoustic environments." July 2014-July 2017.
James A. Cannavino Library Faculty Recognition Award, Spring 2014.
Simons Foundation, Collaboration Grant for Mathematicians, Award 279472. "Developing elastic parabolic equation solutions for marine mammal studies." September 1, 2013-August 31, 2018.
Office of Naval Research, Grant N00014-11-1-0268. "Elastic bottom propagation mechanisms investigated by parabolic equation methods." March 2011- February 2014
Selected Publications
Collis, J. M., Frank, S. D., Metzler, A. M., and Preston, K. S.,"Elastic parabolic equation and normal mode solutions for seismo-acoustic underwater environments with ice covers," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 139(5), 2672-2682, May 2016.
Nealy, J. L., Collis, J. M., and Frank, S. D., "Normal mode solutions for seismo-acoustic propagation resulting from shear and combined wave point sources," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 139(4), EL95-EL99, April 2016.
Frank, S. D., Collis J. M., and Odom, R. I., "Elastic parabolic equation solutions for oceanic T-wave generation and propagation from deep seismic sources," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 137(6), 3534-3543, June 2015.
Frank, S. D., Odom, R. I., and Collis J. C. "Elastic parabolic equation solutions for underwater acoustic problems using seismic sources," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., March 2013.
Frank, S. D., Collis J. M., and Odom, R. I., "Modeling oceanic T-phases and inter- face waves with a seismic source and parabolic equation solutions," Proc. Meet. Acoust., 17, 070010-070018, November 2012.
Frank, S. D. and Ferris, A. N. "Analysis and localization of blue whale vocalizations in the Solomon Sea using waveform amplitude data," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., August 2011.
Frank, S. D., Foster, A. E., Ferris, A. N., and Johnson, M. "Frequency-dependent asymmetry of seismic cross-correlation functions associated with noise directionality," Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., February 2009.
Frank, S. D., Badiey, M., Lynch, J. F., and Siegmann, W. L. "Experimental evidence of three-dimensional acoustic propagation caused by nonlinear internal waves, " J. Acoust. Soc. Am., August 2005.
Frank, S. D., Badiey, M., Lynch, J. F., and Siegmann, W. L. "Analysis and modeling of broadband airgun data in the presence of nonlinear internal waves," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., December 2004.
Research Interests
Wave propagation, numerical solution of differential equations, signal processing
Selected Presentations
Frank, S. D., and Collis, J. M., "Seismic sources in parabolic equation solutions for beach and island propagation scenarios." 169th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Pittsburgh, PA. May 2015
Frank, S. D., Collis, J. M., and Odom, R. I., "Wavenumber analysis of interface wave characteristics using elastic parabolic equation solutions." 167th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Providence, RI. May 2014.
Frank, S. D., Collis, J. M., and Odom, R. I., "Generation and propagation of oceanic T-waves using elastic parabolic equation solutions." 166th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, San Francisco, CA. December 2013.
Collis, J. M., Frank, S. D., Metzler, A. M., and Odom, R. I., "Seismic sources in seismo-acoustic propagation models." 166th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, San Francisco, CA. December 2013.
Odom, R. I., Park, M., Frank, S. D., and Collis, J. M., "The influence of bathymetry on the excitation of T-waves." Joint Assembly of IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI, Gothenburg, Sweden. July 2013.
Frank, S. D., Collis, J. M., and Odom, R. I., "Effects of seismic source and environ- ment parameters on elastic bottom parabolic equation solutions." 164th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Kansas City, MO. October 2012.
Park, M., Odom, R. I., Frank, S. D., and Collis, J. M., "Elastic coupled modes for range dependent propagation." 164th meeting of the Acoustical Society of Soc. Am., 133(3), 1358-1367, March 2013.
Park, M., Odom, R. I., Frank, S. D., and Collis, J. M., "Elastic coupled modes for range dependent propagation." 164th meeting of the Acoustical Society of _America, Kansas City, MO. October 2012.
Frank, S. D., Collis, J. M., and Odom, R. I.,"Modeling oceanic T-phases and inter- face waves with a seismic source and parabolic equation solutions." 11th Euro- pean Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. July 2012.
Frank, S. D., Odom, R. I., Collis, J. M., and Park, M., "Comparison of parabolic equation and coupled mode solutions to seismo-acoustic problems." 162nd meet- ing of the Acoustical Society of America, San Diego, CA. October 2011.
Frank, S. D., "Acoustic propagation in a river channel environment." 2nd Pan- American/Iberian Meeting on Acoustics, Cancun, Mexico. November 2010.
Frank, S. D., and Ferris, A. N., "Analysis of cetacea vocalizations using ocean bot- tom seismic array observations, western Woodlark Basin, Papua New Guinea." 159th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Baltimore, MD. April 2010.
Zugibe, T. P., Frank, S. D., and Ferris, A. N., "Crustal structure of the Pakistan Himalayas from receiver functions." Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of America, Santa Fe, NM. April 2008. Abstract appears in Seismological Research Letters 79(2) pg. 358.
Frank, S. D., Foster, A. E., and Ferris, A. N., "Use of cross correlation to estimate Green's functions in the Pakistan-Himalayas." 153rd meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Salt Lake City, UT. May 2007.
Foster, A. E., Frank, S. D., Ferris, A. N., and Johnson, M., "A study of dispersion and directionality using ambient seismic noise in Pakistan." Joint Assembly of the American Geophysical Union, Acapulco, Mexico. May 2007. Abstract appears in EOS Trans. AGU 88(23), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract S41A-03.
Frank, S. D., Siegmann, W. L., "Influence of random nonlinear internal wave pa- rameters on resonant acoustic mode coupling." 149th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Vancouver, BC, Canada. May 2005.
Frank, S. D., Siegmann, W. L., and Badiey, M., "Evidence of three-dimensional waveguide propagation in SWARM 95 data." First Pan-American/Iberian Meet- ing on Acoustics, Cancun, Mexico. December 2002.
Frank, S. D., Siegmann, W. L., and Badiey, M., "Influence of water column statis- tics and environmental parameters on time-domain simulations of SWARM 95 experimental data." 142nd meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. December 2001.
Frank, S. D., Siegmann, W. L., Badiey, M., and Lynch, J. F., "Frequency dependent transmission loss related to modal properties in layered nonlinear internal wave environments." 140th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Newport Beach, CA. December 2000.
Frank, S. D., Siegmann, W. L., Badiey, M., Lynch, J. F., and Wolf, S., "Time- frequency analysis of broadband acoustic signals propagating through nonlinear internal waves." 139th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Atlanta, GA. May 2000.