Upon arrival to campus, students who are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19 are required to be tested to ensure the safety of our community. In order to move into your on-campus residence hall, and be on campus for the start of Fall Term, you are required to provide a negative COVID-19 test result. Marist will administer COVID-19 tests at 51 Fulton Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601. Tests from outside groups ARE NOT permitted. Below are the steps you will need to complete in order to be granted access to your on-campus residence and to access campus at the start of term.
1. Sign up for a testing day and time through IMLeagues.com. Registration will be open on August 17, at 8:00 am ET.
a. Residential students must complete this test on your move-in day BEFORE you move into your residence hall.
b. Students who reside off campus must complete this test any day between August 23-29, prior to the start of term.
2. Prior to your arrival on campus, you will receive an email from Navica, the test results provider, with instructions on how to setup your account. Please complete the setup of your account prior to arriving on campus to ensure testing is completed as efficiently as possible.
3. Please bring your Marist ID and cell phone to the testing site and follow the instructions of the Marist staff at the testing location.
4. Residential students will receive the keys to their on-campus residence, at 51 Fulton Street, after COVID-19 testing is completed and a “negative” result is verified.
5. If your COVID-19 test is positive, you will be instructed to return home and/or isolate for a required period off campus.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping to protect the pack. We look forward to welcoming you back to Marist.