Based on housing arrangements and state/country of residence, we have sent all students an email outlining the specific requirements they must complete prior to and upon their arrival on the Marist campus for the Spring 2021 semester. See the below checklists to view the instructions for your specific group.
We are improving on our policies and processes from the Fall 2020 semester and, as always, our decisions are guided by the latest science and advice of the College’s own medical team. Additionally, the College will continue to update the reopening section of the website with information related to Spring 2021 reopening as it becomes available.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing or by calling our hotline at (845) 575-4100.
Return to Campus Checklists for Marist Students
Checklist instructions for all Marist students for the Spring 2021 semester are based on both your housing arrangements for the semester and your state/country of residence. Contiguous states: states that are adjoined to New York by at least one border, which are Pennsylvania (PA), New Jersey (NJ), Connecticut (CT), Massachusetts (MA), and Vermont (VT). Non-contiguous states: states that are not adjoined to New York by any border, which are all states Pennsylvania (PA), New Jersey (NJ), Connecticut (CT), Massachusetts (MA), and Vermont (VT).
1. Upload pre-arrival PCR test results
Upload PDF documentation of your negative pre-arrival to quarantine non-rapid PCR test result to Medicat: Other documentation will only be accepted if it includes your full name, date of birth, and official lab results. If you have not already done so, upload this documentation by Friday, February 19. This is MANDATORY and must be completed or you will lose iLearn access on March 1.
4. Complete the Quarantine Attestation (for students from non-contiguous states only)
Students who opt to complete their quarantine in a location other than Marist will be required to attest at the time of move-in. You can access the quarantine attestation form on iLearn.
5. Complete arrival testing
Students will be assigned an arrival testing slot during the week of March 1 by the surveillance testing team. Details will follow as we get closer to the start of the semester.
1. Upload pre-arrival PCR test results
Upload PDF documentation of your negative pre-arrival to quarantine non-rapid PCR test result to Medicat: Other documentation will only be accepted if it includes your full name, date of birth, and official lab results. If you have not already done so, upload this documentation by Friday, February 19. This is MANDATORY and must be completed or you will lose iLearn access on March 1.
All students (including those who have quarantined off campus) must be tested on the date they arrive on campus. Students who arrive after testing hours have concluded must be tested the next day so that the test is conducted within 24 hours of arrival. Students must register with a new account prior to arrival on campus. Accounts from the Fall semester will not be recognized.
1. Upload pre-arrival PCR test results
Upload PDF documentation of your negative pre-arrival to quarantine non-rapid PCR test result to Medicat: Other documentation will only be accepted if it includes your full name, date of birth, and official lab results. If you have not already done so, upload this documentation by Friday, February 19. This is MANDATORY and must be completed or you will lose iLearn access on March 1.
Students who request to complete their quarantine at Marist, must review and complete the housing agreement from the Office of Housing and Residential Life here:
5. Sign up for arrival testing
All students (including those who have quarantined off campus) must be tested on the date they arrive on campus. Students who arrive after testing hours have concluded must be tested the next day so that the test is conducted within 24 hours of arrival. Students must register with a new account prior to arrival on campus. Accounts from the Fall semester will not be recognized.
1. Upload pre-arrival PCR test results
Upload PDF documentation of your negative pre-arrival to quarantine non-rapid PCR test result to Medicat: Other documentation will only be accepted if it includes your full name, date of birth, and official lab results. If you have not already done so, upload this documentation by Friday, February 19. This is MANDATORY and must be completed or you will lose iLearn access on March 1.
4. Complete the Quarantine Attestation (for students from non-contiguous states only)
Students who opt to complete their quarantine in a location other than Marist will be required to attest at the time of move-in. You can access the quarantine attestation form on iLearn.
5. Day 8 testing
Submit documentation of your day 8 negative non-rapid PCR test to Medicat:
Note: You are responsible for obtaining a negative non-rapid PCR test on the 8th day of your 10 day quarantine. The Day 8 test must be obtained from a non-Marist location, labeled “day 8 test” and uploaded to Marist Health Services at
6. Sign up for arrival testing
All students (including those who have quarantined off campus) must be tested on the date they arrive on campus. Students who arrive after testing hours have concluded must be tested the next day so that the test is conducted within 24 hours of arrival. Students must register with a new account prior to arrival on campus. Accounts from the Fall semester will not be recognized.