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Art & Digital Media Department

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Animation Concentration

The B.S. in Digital Media with a concentration in Animation is designed to allow students the opportunity to explore, in depth, the new exciting field of Digital Media under the guidance of recognized working artists, designers, and educators.

The Animation concentration at Marist combines courses in digital media with a balanced curriculum of studio art, art history, and liberal arts courses. Students will gain broad-based training in a wide range of new media, along with an understanding of their concepts, historical background, and heritage in the traditional media.

Course requirements for B.S. in Digital Media with an Animation concentration

Art Foundation Requirements 27 cr

ART 101 Fundamentals of Art & Design 3 cr

ART 110 Basic Drawing 3 cr

ART 201 3D Design 3 cr

ART 231 Introduction to Digital Media 3 cr

ART 160 History of Western Art I 3 cr

ART 180 History of Western Art II 3 cr

ART XXX 200 level or above Art History 3 cr

ART 477 Capping Course 3 cr

ART 478 Senior Thesis: Portfolio 3 cr

Digital Media Foundation 12 credits

ART 211 Digital Layout & Design 3 cr

ART 235 Digital Animation I 3 cr

ART 320 Digital Photography I 3 cr

 ART 323 Designing for the Web 3 cr

Animation Concentration (choose 5 courses) 15 credits

ART 321 Digital Painting 3 cr

ART 322 Multimedia Authoring 3 cr

ART 431 3D Modeling and Visualization 3 cr

ART 432 3D Animation 3 cr

ART 435 Digital Animation II 3 cr

ART 445 Digital Animation III 3 cr

Total Credit Requirement in Digital Media 54 cr

Course Requirements in Related Fields

Students must take an additional fifteen credits in art electives, related field* electives (i.e., multimedia-related courses in Communication or Information Technology), and/or in a Professional Internship* or any combination of the three. 15 cr

Natural Science 3 cr

Social Science 3 cr

21 cr

Pathway* 12 credits

Courses addressing an interdisciplinary topic.

Total Core/Liberal Studies Requirement 40 cr

Electives 11 credits

Total Credit Requirement for Graduation 120 cr

* Breadth and Pathway courses may overlap, but all students must take a total of 36 distribution credits (including related field requirements). Students majoring in

Breadth areas may apply a maximum of 6 credits to their distribution total. If applicable to a Pathway, 3 credits may come from disciplines outside of Core Breadth areas. Although foreign language and culture courses are not required within the Core, some courses in these fields may be used to fulfill distribution requirements.

See the Core/LS Program website for a detailed list of all courses that satisfy distribution requirements.