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B. A. Fine Arts

Department of Art and Digital Media

The B.A. in Fine Arts is offered on our Poughkeepsie campus with a concentration in either:

  • Art History
  • Studio Art

The Art History concentration is designed to provide both a survey of western art and an in-depth study of selected periods. In addition to the required coursework, students concentrating in art history must pursue an alternative discipline, preferably in a foreign language. Study abroad is strongly encouraged and the department provides many opportunities for doing so.

The Studio Art concentration is designed to combine a broad-based training in the visual arts with a traditional liberal arts education.  After gaining a solid foundation in design, drawing, and art history, each student specializes in one of five tracks: drawing, graphic design, painting, photography, or digital media. Students also select additional studio courses to expand their knowledge of the visual arts. This curriculum is ideally suited for students who want to combine their studio major with a second one or plan a more rigorous study of the liberal arts.

Course requirements for a B.A. in Fine Arts, Concentration in Studio Art

ART 101 Fundamentals of Art and Design I 3 cr

ART 110 Basic Drawing 3 cr

ART 160 History of Western Art I 3 cr

ART 180 History of Western Art II 3 cr

One 200-300 level Art History course 3 cr

CMPT 103 Technology for the 21st Century 3 cr

ART 477 Capping Course 3 cr

 21 cr


3 courses in one of the following: digital media, drawing, graphic design, painting, or photography 9 credits

Each student is required to take four additional courses in Studio Art. 12 cr

Total Credit Requirement for Concentration in Studio Art 42 cr

Course requirements in Related Fields: None

Core/Liberal Studies Requirements


FYS 101 First Year Seminar 4 cr

ENG 120 Writing for College 3 cr

7 cr


PHIL 101 Philosophical Perspectives 3 cr

Ethics, Applied Ethics, or Religious Studies 3 cr

Fine Arts 0 cr (fulfilled by major field req.)

History 3 cr

Literature 3 cr

Mathematics 3 cr

Natural Science 3 cr

Social Science 3 cr

 21 cr

Pathway* 12 credits

Courses addressing an interdisciplinary topic.

Total Core/Liberal Studies Requirement 40 cr

Electives 38 credits

Total Credit Requirement for Graduation 120 cr

* Breadth and Pathway courses may overlap, but all students must take a total of 36 distribution credits (including related field requirements). Students majoring in

Breadth areas may apply a maximum of 6 credits to their distribution total. If applicable to a Pathway, 3 credits may come from disciplines outside of Core Breadth areas. Although foreign language and culture courses are not required within the Core, some courses in these fields may be used to fulfill distribution requirements.

See the Core/LS Program website for a detailed list of all courses that satisfy distribution requirements.

Requirements for a B.A. in Fine Arts, Concentration in Art History 

ART 101 Fundamentals of Art and Design I 3 cr

ART 110 Basic Drawing 3 cr

ART 160 History of Western Art I 3 cr

ART 180 History of Western Art II 3 cr

CMPT 103 Technology for the 21st Century 3 cr

ART 477 Capping Course 3 cr

18 cr

Selection of five courses in Art History 15 credits

Alternate Discipline 9 credits

Each student must take three courses in one of the following alternate disciplines: Foreign Language (French, German, Italian, or Spanish), History, Literature, or Studio Art.

(If the student plans to pursue graduate work in art history, the alternate discipline should be a foreign language.) 24 cr

Total Credit Requirement in Art History 42 cr

Course Requirements in Related Fields: None

Core/Liberal Studies Requirements


FYS 101 First Year Seminar 4 cr

ENG 120 Writing for College 3 cr

7 cr


PHIL 101 Philosophical Perspectives 3 cr

Ethics, Applied Ethics, or Religious Studies 3 cr

Fine Arts 0 cr (fulfilled by major field req.)

History 0-3 cr (may be fulfilled by major field req.)

Literature 0-3 cr (may be fulfilled by major field req.)

Mathematics 3 cr

Natural Science 3 cr

Social Science 3 cr

15-21 c

* Breadth and Pathway courses may overlap, but all students must take a total of 36 distribution credits (including related field requirements). Students majoring in

Breadth areas may apply a maximum of 6 credits to their distribution total. If applicable to a Pathway, 3 credits may come from disciplines outside of Core Breadth areas. Although foreign language and culture courses are not required within the Core, some courses in these fields may be used to fulfill distribution requirements.

See the Core/LS Program website for a detailed list of all courses that satisfy distribution requirements.


The B.A. in Fine Arts is also offered at our campus in Florence, Italy with a concentration either in Studio Art or Art History.

The Department of Art and Digital Media offers courses, a certificate, five majors, and a graduate degree at the campus in Florence, Italy:

  • B.A. Fine Arts – Studio Art
  • B.A. Fine Arts – Art History
  • B.S. Conservation Studies/Restoration [only available in Florence]
  • B.S. Digital Media
  • B.S. Studio Art
  • B.F.A. Interior Design [only available in Florence]
  • M.A. Museum Studies [only available in Florence]
  • Certificate in Studio Art [only available in Florence]

For more information on courses and these degree programs, please consult the Marist-Italy Florence program catalog.