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Communication Degrees

The Department of Communication offers a Bachelor of Arts in Communication, with a wide range of attractive concentrations of study. These concentrations prepare students to graduate with the knowledge, skill, and experience that are in high demand among some of the most selective employers and graduate programs in the country.

All concentrations of study are supported by the School's nationally-renowned internship program. Our internship program gives students valuable field experience throughout the Hudson River Valley Region and in New York City with world leaders in communication, news media, advertising, public relations, sports, publishing, television, and other industries.

Students graduating with a major in Communication should:

  • have an understanding of communication theory and the ability to translate this theory successfully into practice be able to speak and write effectively
  • be able to function knowledgeably and critically as consumers and practitioners in the diverse fields of communication
  • be media literate
  • have competence in critical thinking and problem solving
  • have an awareness of the moral and ethical issues involved in human communication

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Students will be able to produce visual, audio, and/or written works of excellence.
  • Students will be able to engage with the theoretical and historical underpinnings of communication.
  • Students will be able to gather, critically evaluate, and synthesize information from various sources.

Degree Offerings

B.A. in Communication with a concentration in the following:

Joint B.A./M.A. 5 year Integrated Marketing Communication  (IMC) 

  • B.A. Communication, concentration in Advertising and Public Relations

  • M.A. in Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) 

  • Application

Graduate Degrees in the Department of Communication: 


B.S. Communication offered thru LDM in Florence, Italy

Course requirements  

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B.A. in Communication, Poughkeepsie campus

Foundation Courses (12 credits)

The communication major is required to take four foundation courses. These courses will be taken during the freshman and sophomore years. The courses are:

COM 102 Introduction to Communication 3 cr
COM 103 Digital Toolbox 3 cr
COM 101 Public Presentations 3 cr
COM 200 Communication Research: Strategies and Methods 3 cr

Communication Concentrations (18 credits)

Communication majors are required to select one of five concentrations that will focus their study of communication on:

  • Advertising, communication studies, journalism, public relations, or sports communication

These course requirements constitute a systematic study of the application of communication principles to a particular area of interest or specific profession. The courses which make up the communication concentration requirements provide a focus and depth of study for the communication student.

Advertising Concentration (18 credits)

COM 220 Principles of Strategic Advertising

COM 324 Research and Consumer Insights

COM 329 Creative Problem Solving

COM 314 Media Strategy

COM 423 Strategic Advertising Campaign Development

Select one:

COM 354 Visual Storytelling

COM 358 Digital, Direct & Database Advertising

COM 424 Branding

Communication Studies Concentration (18 credits)

COM 203 Interpersonal Communication

COM 301 Small Group Communication

COM 302 Persuasion

COM 325 Intercultural Communication

COM 420 Advanced Public Presentations

COM 425 Communication Theory

Journalism Concentration (18 credits)

COM 242 Introduction to Journalism

COM 243 Journalism Skills

COM 466 Journalism Workshop

Select one:

COM 236 News Editing

COM 322 Newswriting

COM 327 Magazine Writing

COM 331 Broadcast Newswriting

Select one:

COM 328 Magazine Layout & Design

COM 332 Producing the Newscast

COM 345 Photojournalism

Select one:

COM 300 Mass Communication Law

COM 341 Press in America

COM 342 Readings in Journalism

Public Relations Concentration (18 credits)

COM 211 Fundamentals of Public Relations Theory & Practice

COM 212 Public Relations Writing Tools

COM 333 Applied Research and Analytics

COM 418 Communication Campaign Management

Select one of two specializations:

  •  Public Relations Management Specialization

COM 347 Reputation and Relationship Management

COM 419 Case Studies in Public Relations Management

  •  Integrated Communication Specialization

COM 348 Integrated Strategies, Tactics and Stakeholders

COM 419 Case Studies In Public Relations Management

Sports Communication Concentration (18 credits)

COM 242 Introduction to Journalism

COM 260 Sport, Culture, and Communication

COM 308 Communication Internship (3 credits)

COM 365 Issues in Sports Media

Select two:

COM 445 Sports Reporting

COM 448 Sports Broadcasting

COM 460 Sports Public Relations

Communication Electives (15 credits)

Each student is required to take five additional communication elective courses beyond their concentration requirements, two of which can be at the 200 level while the other three must be at the 300-400 level. A student, in consultation with a communication faculty advisor, will select five communication electives. These courses may be drawn from any area of the communication curriculum. These courses could be selected to allow a greater depth in investigating subjects encountered in the communication foundation or concentration requirements. Alternatively, these courses could be designed to broaden a student’s understanding of subjects beyond the student’s specialized concentration.

Note: Internships carry non-liberal-arts elective credits and will not fulfill the above requirements.

Communication Capping Course (3 credits)

COM 401 Capping Course 3 cr

Courses in Related Fields (6 credits)

Foreign Language and/or Culture requirement (6 credits)

Consistent with our mission to prepare communication students to live in a global economy, we require students to take two courses that help them to communicate with diverse audiences. A student may meet this requirement by selecting courses from Modern Language offerings in language (any level) or culture or by selecting courses from the following list or by selecting other suitable courses with the approval of their advisors.

Students may apply either COM 325 or COM 400 toward meeting the requirements for the Foreign Language and/or Culture requirement.

Minor and Certificate Programs:

The program also includes a minor in Communication for those students who wish to combine the study of communication with a major in another discipline.

Course requirements for a Minor in Communication 

Note: Students with a communication major cannot also minor in communication. Instead, students should declare a second concentration as part of their communication major. Students can only declare one communication minor.

Choose one of the six (6) communication concentration areas: 18 credits

Advertising (18 credits)

COM 102 Introduction to Communication

COM 220 Principles of Strategic Advertising

COM 324 Research and Consumer Insights

COM 329 Creative Problem Solving

COM 314 Media Strategy

Select one:

COM 354 Visual Storytelling

COM 358 Digital, Direct & Database Advertising

COM 424 Branding

Communication Studies (18 credits)

COM 101 Public Presentations

COM 102 Introduction to Communication

COM 203 Interpersonal Communication

COM 301 Small Group Communication

COM 302 Persuasion

Select one:

COM 325 Intercultural Communication

COM 420 Advanced Public Presentations

COM 425 Comparative Communication Theory

General Communication Minor (18 credits)

COM 101 Public Presentations

COM 102 Introduction to Communication

COM 200 Research Strategies and Methods

Plus three Communications electives, two of which must be upper-level

Journalism (18 credits)

COM 102 Introduction to Communication

COM 242 Introduction to Journalism

COM 243 Journalism Skills

Select one:

COM 236 News Editing

COM 322 Newswriting

COM 327 Magazine Writing

COM 331 Broadcast Newswriting

Select one:

COM 328 Magazine Layout & Design

COM 332 Producing the Newscast

COM 345 Photojournalism

Select one:

COM 300 Mass Communication Law

COM 341 Press in America

COM 342 Readings in Journalism

Public Relations (18 credits)

COM 102 Introduction to Communication

COM 211 Fundamentals of Public Relations Theory & Practice

COM 212 Public Relations Writing Tools

COM 333 Applied Research and Analytics

COM 418 Communication Campaign Management

Select one:

  •  Public Relations Management Specialization

COM 419 Case Studies in Public Relations Management

  •  Integrated Communication Specialization

 COM 422 Case Studies in Integrated Communication

Sports Communication (18 credits)

COM 102 Introduction to Communication

COM 242 Introduction to Journalism

COM 260 Sport, Culture, and Communication

COM 365 Issues in Sports Media

Select two:

COM 445 Sports Reporting

COM 448 Sports Broadcasting

COM 460 Sports Public Relations

Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Communication 18