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School of Communication and the Arts

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Photo of Students at Lake Placid Film Festival Students choose between two concentrations in Film & Television and Interactive Media & Game Design, or they can complete both concentrations. 

The Film & Television concentration provides a balance between the study of film and television and the practice of production for a wide range of media careers, including writing, producing, performance, and media criticism. Students take stimulating courses in studio and field production, editing, screenwriting, audio production, lighting, cinematography, as well as film and TV history and criticism.

The Interactive Media & Game Design concentration prepares students to create vibrant content for those technologies shaping commerce and culture in the 21st century. Students learn the latest tools and trends in the interactive media and game industries, as well as creating social networking sites and designing mobile applications and games. Interested in the new Games and Emerging Media program? Click here to find out more.

Opportunities for internships are readily available. The strong alumni network of the School of Communication and the Arts ensures that students intern in some of the top media organizations in the Northeast.  This on-the-job training prepares graduates to enter this exciting and ever-changing profession.


Course requirements for B.A. Media Studies and Production

Foundation Courses (6 credits)

  • MDIA 101 Introduction to Media Studies 3 cr
  • MDIA 103 Digital Toolbox 3 cr

Core/Liberal Studies Requirements

  • FYS 101 First Year Seminar 4 cr
  • ENG 120 Writing for College 3 cr
  • PHIL 101 Philosophical Perspectives 3 cr
  • Ethics, Applied Ethics, or Religious Studies 3 cr
  • Fine Arts 3 cr
  • History 3 cr
  • Literature 3 cr
  • Mathematics 3 cr
  • Natural Science 3 cr
  • Social Science 3 cr

Pathway* 12 cr - Courses addressing an interdisciplinary topic

Total Core/Liberal Studies Requirement 43 cr

Concentration - Media Studies and Production majors are required to select one of two (33 credits):

  • Film & Television or
  • Interactive Media & Game Design

Film & Television Concentration

  •  MDIA 120 Art of Film
  •  MDIA 201 Writing for Media
  •  MDIA 203 Video Production

Select one:

  •  MDIA 321 Television Theory and Criticism
  •  MDIA 322 Film Theory and Criticism

Select three:

  • MDIA 320 History of Electronic Media
  • MDIA 323 Film and History
  • MDIA 324 Experimental Film and Video
  • MDIA 325 Documentary
  • MDIA 326 Race and Ethnicity in Film
  • MDIA 331 Current Issues in Television (can be taken up to three times under different topics)
  • MDIA 332 Current Issues in Film (can be taken up to three times under different topics)
  • MDIA 335 Gender and Media
  • MDIA 339 Film and Literature
  • MDIA 421 Topics in Television (can be taken up to three times under different topics)
  • MDIA 422 Topics in Global Cinema (can be taken up to three times under different topics)

Select four. (One must be at the 400 level):

  • MDIA 301 Screenwriting for Film and Television
  • MDIA 302 Editing
  • MDIA 304 Audio Production
  • MDIA 305 Lighting and Cinematography
  • MDIA 306 Media Performance
  • MDIA 401 Advanced Screenwriting
  • MDIA 402 Advanced Post Production
  • MDIA 403 Multi-Camera Production
  • MDIA 405 Digital Filmmaking

Interactive Media & Game Design Concentration

  •  MDIA 110 Intro to Design
  •  MDIA 201 Writing for Media
  •  MDIA 210 Interactive Media I
  •  MDIA 310 Interactive Media II
  •  MDIA 311 Media Theory and Methods

Select two:

  • MDIA 312 Online Culture
  • MDIA 313 Storytelling Across Media
  • MDIA 316 Ethics and Gaming
  • MDIA 320 History of Electronic Media
  • MDIA 411 Topics in Interactive Media (can be taken up to three times under different topics)

Select four:

  • MDIA 203 Video Production
  • MDIA 302 Editing
  • MDIA 304 Audio Production
  • MDIA 314 Game Design I
  • MDIA 410 Game Design II
  • MDIA 432/Art 432 3D Animation

Any approved Digital Media courses offered through the Art department

Electives (6 credits)

Each student is required to take two additional elective courses at any level drawn from Media Arts or Communication. These courses could be selected to allow a greater depth in investigating subjects encountered in the foundation or concentration requirements. Alternatively, these courses could be designed to broaden a student’s understanding of subjects beyond the student’s specialized concentration.

Note: Internships carry non-liberal-arts elective credits and will not fulfill the above requirements.

Capping Course (3 credits)

  • MDIA 480 Capping

Internships 0-14 credits

Students may take up to 14 general elective non-liberal arts credits in internships during fall, spring, and summer semesters only. Students may enroll in more than one internship. International internships are available through application to the Marist International Program (MIP). Student must have Junior standing and permission of the Internship Director.

Prerequisite: CRDV 100N Employment Practicum (1 credit) must be completed prior to the semester in which the student plans to do an internship.


  • Completion of 60 credits
  • 2.5 G.P.A.
  • Meet in person with Internship Director prior to start of the semester of the internship.



The program also offers three Minors in Digital Video Production, Interactive Media, and Cinema Studies to students outside the major.

Requirements for a Minor in Digital Video Production (15 credits)

Two required courses:

  • MDIA 103 Digital Toolbox
  • MDIA 203 Video Production

Select three:

  • MDIA 201 Writing for Media
  • MDIA 301 Screenwriting for Film and Television
  • MDIA 302 Editing
  • MDIA 304 Audio Production
  • MDIA 305 Lighting and Cinematography
  • MDIA 306 Media Performance
  • MDIA 403 Multi-Camera Production
  • MDIA 405 Digital Filmmaking

Requirement for a Minor in Interactive Media (15 credits)

Two required courses:

  • MDIA 103 Digital Toolbox
  • MDIA 210 Interactive Media I

Select three:

  • MDIA 201 Writing for Media
  • MDIA 310 Interactive Media II
  • MDIA 311 Media Theory and Methods
  • MDIA 312 Online Culture
  • MDIA 313 Storytelling Across Media
  • MDIA 314 Game Design I

Requirements for a Minor in Cinema Studies (15 credits)

Two required courses:

  •  MDIA 120 Art of Film
  •  MDIA 322 Film Theory and Criticism

Select three:

  • MDIA 323 Film and History
  • MDIA 324 Experimental Film and Video
  • MDIA 325 Documentary
  • MDIA 326 Race and Ethnicity in Film
  • MDIA 332 Current Issues in Film (can be taken up to three times under different topics)
  • MDIA 335 Gender and Media
  • MDIA 339 Film and Literature
  • MDIA 422 Topics in Global Cinema (can be taken up to three times with new topics)
  • FREN 305 Studies in French Film and Literature
  • SPAN 330 Themes in Spanish Cinema
  • SPAN 335 Themes in Latin American Cinema
  • PHIL 333 Philosophy and Film

Photo of Students at Lake Placid Film Festival Students choose between two concentrations in Film & Television and Interactive Media & Game Design, or they can complete both concentrations. 

The Film & Television concentration provides a balance between the study of film and television and the practice of production for a wide range of media careers, including writing, producing, performance, and media criticism. Students take stimulating courses in studio and field production, editing, screenwriting, audio production, lighting, cinematography, as well as film and TV history and criticism.

The Interactive Media & Game Design concentration prepares students to create vibrant content for those technologies shaping commerce and culture in the 21st century. Students learn the latest tools and trends in the interactive media and game industries, as well as creating social networking sites and designing mobile applications and games. Interested in the new Games and Emerging Media program? Click here to find out more.

Opportunities for internships are readily available. The strong alumni network of the School of Communication and the Arts ensures that students intern in some of the top media organizations in the Northeast.  This on-the-job training prepares graduates to enter this exciting and ever-changing profession.