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Film, TV, Games, and Interactive Media Department

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Cinema Studies Minor

Open to all non-Media Studies and Production Majors 

The Film, TV, Games, and Interactive Media Department offers Minors in Digital Video Production, InteractiveMedia, and Cinema Studies for students outside Media Studies and Production who are interested in combining the study or the production of media with other disciplines.

Students in Media Studies and Production cannot complete these minors. Students can, however, declare a double concentration in Film & Television and Interactive Media & Game Design.

The Cinema Studies Minor emphasizes the critical study of cinema as an art form, a business, a technology, a form of entertainment, and a cultural product that both reflects and shapes culture. It brings knowledge and concerns from various disciplines--such as history, literature, and philosophy--to bear on the critical study of domestic and international cinemas.

This minor complements majors in fields such as communication, theater, art, digital media, literature, history, or psychology, and deepens students' critical thinking and analytical skills. The minor advances the Marist tradition of enhancing students' appreciation and respect for ideological, cultural, and artistic diversity.

Course requirements for a Cinema Studies Minor

MDIA 120 Art of Film

MDIA 322 Film Theory and Criticism

Select three:

MDIA 323 Film & History

MDIA 324 Experimental Film & Video

MDIA 325 Documentary

MDIA 326 Race & Ethnicity in Film

MDIA 332 Current Issues in Film

MDIA 335 Gender & Media

MDIA 339 Film & Literature

MDIA 422 Topics in Global Cinema

FREN 305 Studies in French Film & Literature

SPAN 330 Themes in Spanish Cinema

SPAN 335 Theme in Latin American Cinema

PHIL 333 Philosophy & Film