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Department of Computing Technology

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Data Science and Analytics Major and Minor

Bachelor of Science in Data Science and Analytics

Since 2016, the School of Computer Science and Mathematics has offered both a major and a minor in data science. The field of data science has experienced exponential growth over the past few years, with huge impacts on business, government, science, technology, and academia. Organizations now understand that using data to build models to predict future events and behaviors is key to revolutionizing the way in which they compete, produce, and innovate in the global marketplace.

Major in Data Science and Analytics Areas of Emphasis:

  • Implement algorithms for data aggregation, cleaning, and analysis
  • Manipulate large amounts of data and build models that can be used to describe phenomena and make predictions about future occurrences and events.
  • Explore data to identify its meaning and impact and communicate data analysis findings with appropriate visualizations and graphical techniques.
  • Design, build, and manage large, distributed "big data" systems

Resources for Students:

Complementary Minors:
Business, Mathematics, Computer Science, Information Systems, Technology, Economics, Criminal Justice, Cognitive Science, Chemistry, Biology, Psychology, Political Science.