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First-Year Application Deadline
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First-Year Application Deadline
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Alexander C. Henderson
Associate Professor of Public Administration
Alexander C. Henderson is an Associate Professor in the Department of Public and Nonprofit Administration. His current research focuses on front-line policy implementation in public and nonprofit organizations, rules and discretionary decision-making, personnel management, and collaboration and inter-organizational relationships. He is a research fellow of the Center for Organization Research and Design (CORD) at Arizona State University; an academic fellow of the Local Government Workplace Initiative (LGWI) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; and previously served as a chief administrative officer, operational officer, director, and volunteer with several nonprofit organizations in the Philadelphia area.
PhD, Public Administration, Rutgers University - Newark, 2011
MPA, Public Administration, Villanova University, 2004
BA, Political Science, Villanova University, 2002
Research Interests / Areas of Focus
Public and nonprofit management, policy implementation, organization theory and behavior, research methods
Selected Publications
Borry, E.L., & Henderson, A.C. Patients, Protocols, and Prosocial Behavior: Rule Breaking in Front-line Health Care. Forthcoming in The American Review of Public Administration.
Henderson, A.C., & Sowa, J.E. Volunteer Satisfaction at the Boundary of Public and Nonprofit: Organizational- and Individual-Level Determinants. Public Performance & Management Review, 42(1), 162–189.
Henderson, A.C., Ticlau, T., & Balica, D. (2018). Perceptions of Discretion in Street-Level Public Service: Examining Administrative Governance in Romania. Public Performance & Management Review, 41(3), 620–647.
Charbonneau, E., Bromberg, D., & Henderson, A.C. (2018). Steering a Swarm: Compliance and Learning in a Municipal Performance Measurement Regime. Administration & Society, 50(10), 1447–1477.
Henderson, A.C., & Sowa, J.E. (2018). Retaining Critical Human Capital: Volunteer Firefighters in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Voluntas, 29(1), 43–58.
Sun, R., & Henderson, A.C. (2017). Transformational Leadership and Organizational Processes: Influencing Public Performance. Public Administration Review, 77(4), 554–565.
Kim, T.H., Henderson, A.C., & Eom, T.H. (2015). At the Front Lines: Examining the Effects of Perceived Job Significance, Employee Commitment, and Job Involvement on Public Service Motivation. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 81(4), 713–733.
Henderson, A.C., & Bromberg, D.B. (2015) Performance Information Use in Local Government Collaborations: Monitoring Relationships with Emergency Medical Services Agencies. Public Performance & Management Review, 39(1), 58-82.
Bromberg, D.B., & Henderson, A.C. (2015). Collaboration in Front Line Health Care Delivery: Examining the Contractual Relationship between Local Governments and Emergency Medical Services Agencies. The American Review of Public Administration, 45(6), 674-688.
Charbonneau, E., Bromberg, D., & Henderson, A.C. (2015). Performance Improvement, Culture, and Regimes: Evidence from the Ontario Municipal Performance Measurement Program, 2000-2012. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 28(2), 105–120.
Charbonneau, E., Kim, Y., & Henderson. A.C. (2014). Reintroducing the Zone of Indifference: Disengaging the Cogs of Public Service Performance and Citizen Satisfaction. Public Money & Management, 34(4), 305–308.
Henderson, A.C. (2013). Examining Policy Implementation in Health Care: Rule Abidance and Deviation in Emergency Medical Services. Public Administration Review, 73(6), 799–809.
Henderson, A.C., & Pandey, S.K. (2013). Leadership in Street-Level Bureaucracy: An Exploratory Study of Supervisor-Worker Interactions in Emergency Medical Services. International Review of Public Administration, 18(1), 7–23.
Henderson, A.C. (2013). Patient Assessment in Emergency Medical Services: Complexity and Uncertainty in Street-Level Patient Processing. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, 35(4), 505–542.
Selected Presentations
“Strengthening the Ties that Bind: Fostering Group Cohesiveness in Volunteer Fire Services.” Academy of Management Conference, Boston, Massachusetts (with Jessica E. Sowa), 2019.
“Perceiving Worthiness: Empathy and Expertise in Patient Assessment.” Public Management Research Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina (with Erin L. Borry), 2019.
“Examining Predictors of Group Cohesiveness in Volunteer Fire Services.” American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference, Washington, DC (with Jessica E. Sowa), 2019.
“Managing Community-Based Health Care: Shaping Administrative Research in Mobile Integrated Health and Community Paramedicine Programs.” Northeast Conference on Public Administration, Baltimore, Maryland, 2018.
“Paramedic Rule-Breaking Tendencies: Examining the Impact of Experience and Ethical Climate.” American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado (with Erin L. Borry), 2018.
“Volunteer Satisfaction in Nonprofit Public Service Providers: Organizational- and Individual-Level Determinants.” Symposium on Public Administration, Public Policy, and Nonprofit Studies Research. George Washington University. Washington, DC (with Jessica E. Sowa), 2017.
“Perceptions of Discretion in Street-Level Public Service: Examining Administrative Governance in Romania.” American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia (with Tudor Ticlau and Dan Balica), 2017.
“Organizational- and Individual-Level Determinants of Volunteer Firefighter Satisfaction.” Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, Washington, DC (with Jessica E. Sowa), 2016.
“Retaining Critical Human Capital: Volunteer Firefighters in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.” American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington (with Jessica E. Sowa), 2016.
Awards and Honors
David Newton Award for Excellence in Teaching, Long Island University, 2018
National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration Dissertation Award, 2011
Dean’s Dissertation Award, Rutgers University – Newark, 2011
![Image of Alexander C. Henderson](/documents/86200/166859/Faculty+Headshot+Alexander+C.+Henderson.jpg/4056e774-f7bb-cde2-4074-361978b2e469?t=1672946124423)