Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.About
Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Academics
Admission & Financial Aid
Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Admission & Financial Aid
Student Life
Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Student Life
- Athletics
Christy Huebner Caridi
Assistant Professor of Economics
PhD, Economics, New School University, 2001
MBA, Finance and Accounting, Fordham University, 1982
Research Interests/Areas of Focus
My primary research looks into the how the relationships between the banking sector, the firm sector, and the non-bank public impact real economic outcomes. A secondary thread examines the influence of Natural Law, the theory of man, and the Scientific Revolution on the development of classical economic theory. As Director of the Marist Bureau of Economic Research, I produce regional reports that examine long-term trends within the seven counties located within the Hudson Valley. The reports cover employment, income, migration, commutation, and the distribution of income across households.
Selected Publications
(2018). Migration Report of the Hudson Valley 2011-2016 (pp. 58). Marist Bureau of Economic Research.
(2018). Income Tax Analysis 2015 Hudson Valley with County Level Detail (pp. 13). Marist Bureau of Economic Research.
(2018). Commutation Trends in the Hudson Valley with County Level Detail 2013-2015 (pp. 27). Marist Bureau of Economic Research.
(2018). Total Household Income: Hudson Valley: with County Level Detail 2012-2016 (pp. 12). Marist Bureau of Economic Research.
(2017). Employment in the Hudson Valley 2016 (pp. 41). Marist Bureau of Economic Research.
(2017). Migration Report of the Hudson Valley 2010-2015 (pp. 65).
(2017). Total Household Income: Hudson Valley: with County Level Detail (pp. 16). Marist Bureau of Economic Research.
(2017). Income Distribution in the Hudson valley: With County level Detail and Statewide Comparisons (pp. 16). Marist Bureau of Economic Research.
(2016). Commutation Trends in the Hudson Valley with County Level Detail 2009-2013 (pp. 27). Marist Bureau of Economic Research.
(2016). Income Distribution in the Hudson valley: With County level Detail and Statewide Comparisons (pp. 16). Marist Bureau of Economic Research.
(2015). Migration Report of the Hudson Valley 2007-2012 (pp. 65). Marist Bureau of Economic Research.
(2015). Special Report: Employment in the Hudson Valley 2013. Marist Bureau of Economic Research.
(2015). Special Report: Income Hudson Valley 2013 (pp. 15). Marist Bureau of Economic Research.
(2014). Economic Report of the Hudson Valley 1st Qt. 2014 (pp. 18). Marist Bureau of Economic Research.
(2014). Economic Report of the Hudson Valley 4td Qt. 2013 (pp. 18). Marist Bureau of Economic Research.
(2014). Special Report Employment in the Hudson Valley 2012 (pp. 47). Marist Bureau of Economic Research.
(2014). Economic Report of the Hudson Valley 3rd Qt. 2013 (pp. 18). Marist Bureau of Economic Research.
(2013). Special Report: Income in the Hudson Valley (2012) (pp. 11). Marist Bureau of Economic Research.
(2013). Economic Report of the Hudson Valley 2nd Qt 2013 (pp. 18). Marist Bureau of Economic Research.
(2013). Economic Report of the Hudson Valley 1st Qt. 2013 (pp. 18). Marist Bureau of Economic Research.
(2013). Economic Report of the Hudson Valley 4th Qt. 2012 (pp. 18). Marist Bureau of Economic Research.
(2013). Special Report Employment in the Hudson Valley 2011 (pp. 14). Marist Bureau of Economic Research.
Selected Presentations
Academy Of Business Research Spring 2016, Academy of Business Research, New Orleans, La., "The Contextualization of Self-Interest: Adam Smith and Natural Law", 1, International, Accepted, Basic or Discovery Scholarship. (March 23, 2016).
Academy Of Business Research Spring 2013, Academy of Business Research, New Orleans, La., "The Theory of Profit Maximization in MBA Education: A Normative Perspective", 1, International, Accepted, Basic or Discovery Scholarship. (March 15, 2013).
Academy Of Business Research Spring 2014, Academy of Business Research, New Orleans, La., "Are Banks Intermediaries?", 3, International, Accepted, Basic or Discovery Scholarship. (March 15, 2014).
Northeast Business & Economics Association (NBEA) 40th Annual Conference, NBEA, Bretton Woods NH, "The Market as Social Order", 3, National, Accepted, Basic or Discovery Scholarship. (November 8, 2013).
RSS Feed, SOM, Dyson, "The Adam Smith Problem: Self Interest, Fact and Fallacy ", 4, Local, Invited, Basic or Discovery Scholarship. (February 2, 2017).
DCEDC, Marist College, "Dutchess County Employment Demographics", 5, Regional, Invited, Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship. (October 30, 2014).
Board Education: HVFCU, Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union, Poughkeepsie, New York, "Economic Conditions", 5, Regional, Invited, Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship. (July 21, 2014).
Renewable Energy Conference, The Hudson Renewable Energy Institute, Marist College, "Economic Growth Prospects", 5. (June 26, 2014).
DCEDC, Marist College, "Dutchess County Employment Demographics", 5, Regional, Invited, Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship. (October 24, 2013).
Central Hudson Community Outreach, Central Hudson, Riftin New York, 5, Regional, Invited, Applied or Integration/Application Scholarship. (June 18, 2013).
Awards and Honors
Member, Board of Trustees, Northern Dutchess Hospital
Member, Board of Trustees, Thompson House
Member, Board of Trustees, Wells Manor
Appointed Member, EDAC
(2018). Marist Report Shows HV Commuting Trends. WAMC Northeast Public Radio.
(2017). The New Economy. Poughkeepsie Journal.
(2017). Fabricated Reality. Chronogram.
(2017). Petition Asks Marist Band to Bow Out Of Inauguration Performance WAMC Midday Magazine By Allison Dunne • Jan 3, 2017. WAMC Midday Magazine.
(2016). Construction boom in mid-Hudson points to strong economic growth. Herald Times Record.
(2016). Marist Report: More HV Residents Are Working, More Commuting. WAMC Midday Magazine.
(2015). Why Does Manufacturing Matter? (vol. Fall 2015). New York State: HV Mfg.
(2015). Dutchess Wages are on the rise but is it real? Poughkeepsie Journal.
(2015). Walkway Marathon leaves effect on business. Poughkeepsie Journal.
(2015). Economy 2015: The big picture brighter. Poughkeepsie Journal.
(2014). Jobless rates, workers decrease. Poughkeepsie Journal.
(2014). Who's a Dutchess Millionaire? Poughkeepsie Journal.
(2014). Shrinking Local Jobs, pay force Strategy shift. Poughkeepsie Journal.
(2014). Hudson Valley jobless rates still trending downward. Poughkeepsie Journal.
(2014). Regional Economy. WAMC Radio.
(2014). Mid-Hudson economy continues to recover, slowly. Poughkeepsie Journal.
(2014). Hudson Valley gains jobs in March. Poughkeepsie Journal.
(2014). A Matter of Life and Death by Mary Beth Pfeiffer. Poughkeepsie Journal.
(2014). Orange, Dutchess lose 5,200 jobs. Hudson Valley Reporter.
(2014). Economic Hope: Unemployment rate falls for 3Q. Poughkeepsie Journal.
(2014). Economic Predictions 2014. Poughkeepsie Journal.
(2013). Marist: Hudson Valley Made Modest Gains in 2012. Hudson Valley Reporter.
(2013). Marist: Income up, but not much. Poughkeepsie Journal.
(2013). Hudson Valley Income rose in 2012 but lagged Us Trend,. Daily Freeman.
(2013). Workforce Shrinks in New York. Poughkeepsie Journal.
(2013). Official: Boost county infrastructure. Poughkeepsie Journal.
(2013). Recovery still sluggish in region. Poughkeepsie Journal.
(2013). Ex-IBM Workers Look to Next Step. Poughkeepsie Journal.
(2013). Dutchess jobs situation still shaky, 'very strange'. Poughkeepsie Journal.
(2013). Hudson Valley economic picture brightening, but still weak, Marist report finds. MidHudson Radio.
(2013). IBM Layoffs: 1,600 confirmed job cuts to drain $35M-$55M. New York: Newsday.
(2013). Regional Economy still stagnant, Marist report finds. Times Herald-Record.
(2013). A New Beginning? The Hudson Valley Business Review.
(2013). Rise in number of Americans looking for work. Times Herald-Record.
(2013) Another dip in Jobless rate bucks trend. Poughkeepsie Journal.
(2013). Como warns that federal tax plan to limit deductions would cost HV families $5G yearly. New York News Day.
(2013). Jobless Rate Falls in Area. Poughkeepsie Journal.
(2013). Marist report: Jobs and wages flat. Poughkeepsie Journal.
(2013). Mid-Hudson job market enjoying post-recession. Daily Freeman.
(2013). Westchester jobless rate inches up to 8%, Hudson Valley up to 8.3%. New York News Day.
(2013). Marist: Decade's job growth slow in Hudson Valley. Poughkeepsie Journal.
(2013). IBM Will Move Some Work To Its Poughkeepsie Site. WAMC Radio.