Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.About
Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Academics
Admission & Financial Aid
Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Admission & Financial Aid
Student Life
Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Student Life
- Athletics

Emerging artists and designers in the Class of 2024 will explore race relations beyond Black Lives Matter into a deeper understanding of how Whiteness has shaped bias and influence in contemporary American culture.
Leading Support:
Madison Jami Barr, Marist 2020 graduate of Art & Digital Media
“The Harmful Effects of Plea Deals” linocuts and phone app
Read about Madison:
Further Reading:
- Cooper, (2020, June 10.) “How Public Art Programs Can Join the Movement Against Police Brutality, White Supremacy, and Anti-Black Racism.” Americans for the Arts blog. https://blog.americansforthearts.org/2020/06/10/how-public-art-programs-can-join-the-movement-against-police-brutality-white-supremacy-and-anti
- Gurgel. Transcriber. (2014, March 28.) “Aesthetics is a Verb: The Aesthetics and Documentation Learning Exchange.” AlternateROOTS ROOTSweek Learning Exchange Transcript, 4. https://alternateroots.org/aesthetics-is-a-verb-the-aesthetics-and-documentation-learning-exchange-transcribed/
- Voss, Kessler (2020, April), “Arts and Cultural Organizations: In it for the Long Haul: How arts and cultural organizations can consider adapting,” Southern Methodist University DataArts and TRG Arts, 1-3. https://www.culturaldata.org/pages/long-haul/
Incoming students will rely on smart devices for shopping, interactive wellness-centered consumer experiences, and engaging in the social good.
Leading Support:
Rogers, Cosgrove, (2020, May 28) “Future Consumer Index: How to serve the 'Anxious Consumer' after COVID-19,” Ernst and Young Future Consumer Index, https://www.ey.com/en_gl/consumer-products-retail/how-covid-19-could-change-consumer-behavior
Further Reading:
- Ludwig (2020, May 8) “10 Pandemic-Inspired Business Trends That Are Here to Stay,” U.S. Chamber of Commerce, https://www.uschamber.com/co/start/strategy/pandemic-business-trends-that-are-here-to-stay
- Baig, Hall, Jenkins et al. (2020, May 14) “The COVID-19 recovery will be digital: A plan for the first 90 days,” McKinsey Digital, https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/the-covid-19-recovery-will-be-digital-a-plan-for-the-first-90-days#
The Class of 2024 may view the idea of “banned books” as an artifact from the past, but the Harry Potter series has been banned somewhere in America for their entire lifetimes, and To Kill a Mockingbird has appeared on the American Library Association (ALA) list of frequently challenged books eight times since 2004, due to perceived concerns over offensive language as well as racial and sexual themes.
Leading Support:
Banned Books Week: 4 Famous Library Censorship Cases, University of Southern California https://librarysciencedegree.usc.edu/blog/banned-books-week-4-famous-library-censorship-cases/
Further Reading:
- American Library Association’s List of Frequently Challenged Classics http://www.ala.org/advocacy/bbooks/frequentlychallengedbooks/classics
- The Online Books Page Presents BANNED BOOKS ONLINE, University of Pennsylvania http://digital.library.upenn.edu/books/banned-books.html
- Top 10 Books You Were Forced to Read in School, Time (all 10 of these have been challenged or banned) https://entertainment.time.com/2010/07/09/top-10-books-you-were-forced-to-read-in-school/slide/macbeth/
- Required reading: The books that students read in 28 countries around the world https://ideas.ted.com/required-reading-the-books-that-students-read-in-28-countries-around-the-world/
- Freddolino, P. P., & Keys, F. (2019). Harness Technology for Social Good. In Gerontological Social Work and the Grand Challenges (pp. 111-123). Springer, Cham.
- Hager, G. D., Drobnis, A., Fang, F., Ghani, R., Greenwald, A., Lyons, T., ... & Tambe, M. (2019). Artificial intelligence for social good. arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.05406.
- Guidi, B., Ricci, L., Calafate, C., Gaggi, O., & Marquez-Barja, J. (Eds.). (2018). Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good: Third International Conference, GOODTECHS 2017, Pisa, Italy, November 29-30, 2017, Proceedings (Vol. 233). Springer.
- Gaggi, O., Manzoni, P., & Palazzi, C. E. (2018). Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good (GOODTECHS 2016). Mobile Networks and Applications, 23(1), 126-127.
- Szablewska, N., & Kubacki, K. (2019). A human rights-based approach to the social good in social marketing. Journal of Business Ethics, 155(3), 871-888.
Incoming students are willing to pay for their privacy. Privacy is now a commodity, and they value privacy for their real relationships.
Leading Support:
Walsh, D., Parisi, J. M., & Passerini, K. (2017). Privacy as a right or as a commodity in the online world: the limits of regulatory reform and self-regulation. Electronic Commerce Research, 17(2), 185-203.
Further Reading:
- Celik, Z. B., Fernandes, E., Pauley, E., Tan, G., & McDaniel, P. (2019). Program analysis of commodity IoT applications for security and privacy: Challenges and opportunities. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 52(4), 1-30.
- Liu, C., & Mittal, P. (2016, February). LinkMirage: Enabling Privacy-preserving Analytics on Social Relationships. In NDSS.
- Cole, Cynthia, et al. “The Safety of Privacy: Increased Privacy Concerns May Prevent Effective Adoption of Contact Tracing Apps.” www.Law.com, 18 Aug. 2020, Online
The necessity of personal protection equipment (PPE) will drive fashion trends for the next couple of seasons as young designers in the class of 2024 adapt face masks and other PPE into functional objects of personal expression.
Leading Support:
Socha (2020, June 4.) “Chris Gelinas Is Pivoting From Designer Clothes to PPE: The New York-based designer is helping KleenWraps, a maker of antimicrobial grips, expand its range of accessories, and improve their appeal.” WWD.com https://wwd-com.online.library.marist.edu/fashion-news/fashion-features/chris-gelinas-switches-from-designer-clothes-to-ppe-1203644668/
Further Reading:
- McIlvaine (2020, June 10.) “PPE: From healthcare crisis to fashion trend,” InternetRetailing.com https://internetretailing.com.au/ppe-from-healthcare-crisis-to-fashion-trend/
- Corrigan, Drury (2020, April 20.) “The increasing demand for PPE, but make it fashion,” Edited.com https://edited.com/resources/demand-for-ppe/
History & Politics
For incoming students, the world political stage has always been post-9/11; Vladimir Putin has always been the leader of Russia, Tayyip Erdogan has always been leader of Turkey, and the United States military has always been involved in Afghanistan.
Leading Support:
Further Reading:
- Nuland, “Pinning Down Putin: How a Confident America Should Deal with Russia,” Foreign Affairs, July/August 2020, Available at: https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/russian-federation/2020-06-09/pinning-down-putin
- Malkasian, "How the Good War Went Bad: America's Slow-Motion Failure in Afghanistan," Foreign Affairs, March/April 2020, Available at: https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/afghanistan/2020-02-10/how-good-war-went-bad
Language & Literacy
The Class of 2024 (and, often, their teachers) expect and embrace a richer diversity of voices in the books they read, and their enthusiasm for young adult (YA) literature has led to the emergence of vibrant new voices such as Angie Thomas (The Hate U Give), Marie Lu (Legend), and Tomi Adeyemi (Children of Blood and Bone). In addition, these students are shaping American literary culture like never before, by contributing commentary and adaptations in online forums such as GoodReads, Reddit, Twitter, and fanfic sites.
Leading Support:
Clayton, Dhonielle. “10 Young Adult Books That Tackle Racism.” Paste Magazine, 8 Sept. 2017, www.pastemagazine.com/books/young-adult/ten-ya-books-that-tackle-racism. Online
Further Reading:
- Buehler, Jennifer, et al. “Preparing Teachers with Knowledge of Children’s and Young Adult Literature.” www.ncte.org, 9 July 2018, ncte.org/statement/chiladollitguideline. Online
- Blakemore, Erin. “A Brief History of Young Adult Fiction.” www.jstor.org, 10 Apr. 2015, daily.jstor.org/history-of-young-adult-fiction. Online
Incoming students are keenly aware of the major threats to the health of our society created by both an international pandemic and the global climate crisis, while at the same time, the value of science in our national dialogue is increasingly questioned.
Leading Support:
Climate Odyssey, Dr. Zion Klos, Marist College: www.climateodyssey.org
Further Reading:
- Makri, Anita. “Give the Public the Tools to Trust Scientists.” www.nature.com, 17 Jan. 2017, www.nature.com/news/give-the-public-the-tools-to-trust-scientists-1.21307. Online
- Roberts, Siobhan. “Embracing the Uncertainties.” www.nytimes.com, 7 Apr. 2020, www.nytimes.com/2020/04/07/science/coronavirus-uncertainty-scientific-trust.html. Online
- Bles, Anne Marthe van der, et al. “The Effects of Communicating Uncertainty on Public Trust in Facts and Numbers.” www.Pnas.Org, 23 Mar. 2020, www.pnas.org/content/117/14/7672.abstract. Online
Sports Communication
Social distancing provided a captive audience for the ESPN documentary “The Last Dance.” This phenomenon allowed the Class of 2024 to see for themselves the evolution of the NBA game in the last twenty years, sparking new debate over how past heroes such as Michael Jordan compare to their favorite players of today like LeBron and Giannis as G.O.A.T.
Leading Support:
Goodman-Hughey, Ericka N. “Michael Jordan Changed the Fashion Game, One Beret and Gold Hoop at a Time.” www.espn.com, 17 July 2020, www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/29470986/michael-jordan-changed-fashion-game-one-beret-gold-hoop. Online
Further Reading:
- Ordona, Michael. “‘The Last Dance’: Michael Jordan and the Pursuit and Price of Excellence.” www.latimes.com, 30 July 2020, www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2020-06-30/michael-jordan-documentary-last-dance-director-jason-hehir. Online
- Mann, Court. “The Last Dance’ Comes to Netflix This Weekend. These 9 Moments Deserve a Rewatch.” www.deseret.com, 14 July 2020, www.deseret.com/entertainment/2020/7/14/21324549/michael-jordan-last-dance-netflix-espn-rewatch-moments-best-scenes. Online
Incoming students have never been more ready to embrace social distance by using technology to fill the distance gap. They are always looking for the newest upgrade.
Leading Support:
Bellezza, S., Ackerman, J. M., & Gino, F. (2017). “Be careless with that!” Availability of product upgrades increases cavalier behavior toward possessions. Journal of Marketing Research, 54(5), 768-784.
Further Reading:
- Almarzooq, Z., Lopes, M., & Kochar, A. (2020). Virtual learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: a disruptive technology in graduate medical education.
- Greenstone, M., & Nigam, V. (2020). Does social distancing matter?. University of Chicago, Becker Friedman Institute for Economics Working Paper, (2020-26).
- Gupta, M., Abdelsalam, M., & Mittal, S. (2020). Enabling and enforcing social distancing measures using smart city and its infrastructures: a COVID-19 Use case. arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.09246.
- Meinert, E., Milne-Ives, M., Surodina, S., & Lam, C. (2020). Agile Requirements Engineering and Software Planning for a Digital Health Platform to Engage the Effects of Isolation Caused by Social Distancing: Case Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 6(2), e19297.
- O’Leary, D. E. (2020). Evolving Information Systems and Technology Research Issues for COVID-19 and Other Pandemics. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 1-8.
- Wiederhold, B. K. (2020). Social media use during social distancing.
- Bellezza, S., Ackerman, J. M., & Gino, F. (2017). “Be careless with that!” Availability of product upgrades increases cavalier behavior toward possessions. Journal of Marketing Research, 54(5), 768-784.
- Bergman, O., & Whittaker, S. (2018). The cognitive costs of upgrades. Interacting with Computers, 30(1), 46-52.
- Claybaugh, C. C., Ramamurthy, K., & Haseman, W. D. (2017). Assimilation of enterprise technology upgrades: a factor-based study. Enterprise Information Systems, 11(2), 250-283.