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Marist News


"Technology Is the Instigator of Change" Kevin MacLellan '89, Chairman of NBCUniversal International, speaks with students about how his Marist experience continues to help him succeed in the fast-changing communications industry

Kevin MacLellan '89, visited campus to speak with students about the important role his Marist experience played in his professional and personal success and about what kinds of career opportunities they might find in the fast-evolving global media landscape.


"Western Muslims and Conflicts Abroad"

Recently, the Office of Media Relations spoke with Dr. Juris Pupcenoks, Assistant Professor of Political Science, about his recent book, Western Muslims and Conflicts Abroad: Conflict Spillovers to Diasporas (2016, Routledge), which looks at the way different Muslim immigrant communities respond to political upheaval and violence in their homelands and other Muslim lands.