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Marist News


Honoring the Class of 2023 Undergraduates

Diary of a Wimpy Kid author connects with grads: "Your generation is good. You're not satisfied with the world we've made for you, and you shouldn't be. Live a big life and, most importantly, never stop growing."


Protesting the National Anthem: Disrespectful or an Expression of Freedom?

A majority of Americans think professional athletes should be required to stand for the national anthem, and nearly two-thirds of those surveyed consider the anthem to be a symbol of Americans' rights and freedoms, according to the latest HBO Real Sports/Marist Poll, conducted in association with the Marist Center for Sports Communication.


Online Political Brands, from Huffington to Beck

Longtime media executive and current president of The Blaze Betsy Morgan will speak at Marist College on Wednesday, Nov. 20 at 11 a.m. in the Nelly Goletti Theatre on the third floor of the Student Center. Morgan will talk and answer questions about her extensive work in building and expanding some of the most important brands in new media. She will also speak of the challenges of leading publications on the left, right, and center of the political aisle. The event is free and open to the public.