Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.About
Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Academics
Admission & Financial Aid
Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Admission & Financial Aid
Student Life
Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Student Life
- Athletics
Professional Programs students at commencement
School of Professional Programs
Course Descriptions
Management Studies
MGMT 205N: Topics in Accounting
Three Credits
This course will provide students with the accounting toolkit and analytical skills that guide managers in making complicated decisions. This course is organized into two modules. The first module focuses on the interpretation of financial accounting reports and the evaluation of a firm’s financial performance. The focus of the second module is on information used for internal decision-making purposes. Topics include costing, cost behavior and decision making, budgets and performance analysis, activity and differential analysis, and the Balanced Scorecard.
Prerequisite: ORG 100, MATH 130
MGMT 206L: Topics in Economics
Three Credits LA
Students will be introduced to key concepts in microeconomics, such as productivity, costs, returns to scale, and market structures. These concepts will be applied in more depth via contemporary industry examples. Macroeconomics concepts will include GDP, employment, and inflation/deflation. The range of macroeconomic policies available for economic stabilization and growth by countries will be discussed, including monetary and fiscal policy, with specific country applications in international context. There will also be consideration of contemporary issues regarding various policy approaches.
MGMT 320N: Introduction to Financial Management
Three Credits
This course introduces key topics in corporate financial management. These topics include the time value of money, discounted cash flows, capital budgeting, financial analysis and forecasting, stock valuation, bond valuation, and the financial markets.
Prerequisites: ORG 205, ORG 206
MGMT 388N: Topics in Operations Management
Three Credits
This course examines topics common to both production and service organizations. Topics include quantitative decision-making techniques, forecasting, various planning techniques related to capacity, location, and processes, resource and materials planning, the design of job and work measurement systems, inventory systems and models, materials management, and quality-control methods.
Prerequisites: ORG 205 (may be taken as a co-requisite)
MGMT 477N: Strategic Management & Policy
Three Credits
Restricted to seniors. This is an integrative course to fulfill the capping requirement of the Management Studies major. The course draws across the functional areas of management, related field requirement, and core studies of the program. The purpose is to engage the student in the process and content of strategic management and planning. External, industry, and internal environmental sources and analytic techniques are employed in crafting firm strategy and creating sustainable competitive advantages in a hyper-competitive, global business community. Additional topics include competitive intelligence, strategic implementation, and managerial evaluation.
Prerequisites: ORG 100, MATH 130, ORG 202, ORG 205, ORG 206, ORG 301, ORG 302, ORG 320, ORG 321, ORG 340, ORG 388 and senior standing
MATH 130L: Introductory Statistics I
Three Credits LA
This course introduces the basic ideas and techniques of statistics including: descriptions of sample data; simple probability; the binomial and normal distributions; estimation; hypothesis testing; correlation and regression; and the chi-squared distribution. Appropriate technology will be selected by the instructor. This course is offered every semester.
NOTE: This course may not be taken for credit by students who have completed MATH 330.
Prerequisite: Three years of high school mathematics or MATH 108 or satisfactory performance on the Mathematics Placement Test
Organizational Studies
ORG 100N: Exploring Business & Management
Three Credits
This course examines fundamental issues in the world of business and the practice of management. It is designed to be an interactive and lively experience that provides students with a theoretical background of how organizations work and the role of management in organizations. Some of the areas and issues that will be covered include: the role of managers, the history of managerial thought, planning and problem-solving, individual responsibility, and the ever-changing world of business in a global environment. Students will be challenged to apply theoretical learning to their own experiences in business and organizations, and to look at organizations as integrated and dynamic systems.
ORG 202N: Global Issues in Business & Society
Three Credits
This course examines the impact of major social, political, and cultural forces on the global business environment and marketplace. Students will gain a better understanding of how society and social issues affect the business world and vice versa. Ethical challenges, diversity issues, technology, environmental issues, and social responsibility will also be examined.
ORG 301N: Managing Human Resources
Three Credits
This course gives the student an overview of the broad subject of human resources management and an in-depth exposure to the key areas of this critical function. The most successful organizations know that human resources must operate at the strategic level, along with finance and law, the other core staff functions. The meaning of a strategic approach is explored in depth, providing a solid grounding in what management of human resources requires in today’s diverse, litigious, downsizing-prone, tough, often controversial world of organizational life.
ORG 302N: Behaviors in Organizations
Three Credits
The field of organizational behavior explores the operations, human resources, and communication styles within business, community, and other types of organizations. This course provides a foundation for understanding organizational behavior at the individual, group, and organizational level. Students will examine current research, various theories, models, and contemporary issues in the field to understand better the way that organizations work or don’t work. Collaborative learning through the application of theory to real-life organizations will be emphasized in this course.
ORG 321L: Issues in Leadership
Three Credits LA
This course examines both the theoretical and practical aspects of leadership focusing on the role of the leader within business and community organizations. Leadership will be examined from historical, cultural, ethical and psychological perspectives with an emphasis on the changing nature of effective leadership in a global business environment. Students will have an opportunity to examine and develop their own personal leadership styles and potentials through collaborative and experiential learning experiences.
Prerequisites: Any one of these courses: ORG 100, ORG 101, ORG 202, ORG 301 or ORG 302
ORG 340N: Foundations of Marketing
Three Credits
This course introduces students to the role of marketing in organizations. Students will study all facets of the marketing process including: environmental analysis, marketing-information management, market research, consumer and business behavior, segmentation, and positioning. Students will also explore marketing from a global view (examining global market forces and globally competitive environments). Legal and ethical impacts of marketing will be explored through case studies.
Prerequisite: ORG 301 or BUS 301