Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.About
Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Academics
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Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Admission & Financial Aid
Student Life
Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Student Life
- Athletics
Michael Powers
Associate Professor; Director of Athletic Training Education Program
Michael Powers is a certified athletic trainer (ATC) through the Board of Certification, Inc. and a member of the National Athletic Trainers' Association. He is also a New York State certified Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) through the National Strength and Conditioning Association. His primary research interests include emergency preparedness in the sport setting and the safety and efficacy of performance-enhancing supplements and drugs. Dr. Powers regularly supervises undergraduate senior research and honors projects and mentors these students as they present their results at regional and national conferences. A number of these students have gone on to receive awards for their research. He has also worked with local high school students in developing research projects. In addition to his academic duties, Dr. Powers continues to volunteer his services as an athletic trainer and EMT for events such as the Boston Marathon, New York City Marathon, Marine Corp Marathon and Special Olympics. He also volunteers as an EMT in Hyde Park, NY.
PhD, Sports Medicine, University of Virginia, 1999
MS, Athletic Training, University of Florida, 1993
BS, Athletic Training, Northeastern University, 1991
Research Interests/Areas of Focus
Emergency preparedness
Emergency medicine including heat illness
Performance enhancing supplements and drugs
Neuromuscular control
Selected Publications
Powers, M.E. Performance enhancing drugs. In: (Ed) Houglum, J., Harrelson, G., Leaver-Dunn, D. Pharmacology for Athletic Trainers 3rd Edition. Thorofare, NJ: SLACK Incorporated; 2015:344-381.
Powers ME. The acute effect of stimulant ingestion on ImPACT test performance. Journal of Athletic Training. 2015:50(5); 453-459.
Powers ME, Tropeano M, Priestman D. Pancreatic laceration in a collegiate soccer athlete. Journal of Athletic Training. 2013:48(2); 271-276.
Erickson K, Powers ME. Factor V Leiden in a female collegiate soccer athlete. Journal of Athletic Training. 2013:48(3); 431-435.
Buell J, Franks R, Ransone J, Powers ME, Laquale K, Carlson-Phillips A. National Athletic Trainers' Association position statement: evaluation of dietary supplements for performance nutrition. Journal of Athletic Training. 2013:48(1); 124-136.
Powers ME, Yarrow JF, McCoy SC, Borst SE. Growth hormone isoform responses to GABA ingestion at rest and after exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 2008:40; 104-10.
Weiss C, Powers ME. Creatine supplementation does not impair the thermoregulatory response during a bout of exercise in the heat. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 2006:46; 555-63.
Hatzel B, Horodyski MB, Kaminski TW, Meister K, Powers ME, Brunt D. Measurement of Glenohumeral Joint Laxity Using the KT-2000 Knee Ligament Arthrometer: a Reliability Analysis. Physical Therapy in Sport. 2006:7; 137-43.
Miniello S, Dover GC, Powers ME, Tillman M, Wikstrom E. Lower leg cold immersion does not impair dynamic stability in healthy females. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2005:14; 234-247.
Fiscus KA, Kaminski TW, Powers ME. Changes in lower-leg blood flow during warm-, cold-, and contrast-water therapy. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2005:86; 1404-1410.
Powers ME. Safety, efficacy, and legal issues related to dietary supplements. Strategies. 2004: September/October; 30-36.
Powers ME, Buckley B, Kaminski TK, Hubbard T, Ortiz C. Six weeks of strength and proprioception training does not affect muscle fatigue and static balance in those with functional ankle instability. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 2004:13; 201-227.
Powers ME. The safety and efficacy of creatine, ephedra, and anabolic steroid precursors. Athletic Therapy Today. 2004:9(4); 57-63.
Dover GC, Powers ME. Cryotherapy does not impair should joint position sense. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2004:85; 1241-1246.
Wikstrom E, Powers ME., Tillman MD. Dynamic stabilization time following isokinetic and functional fatigue. Journal of Athletic Training. 2004:39; 247-253.
Del Rossi G, Horodyski MB, Brunt D, Powers ME.The execution of spine board transfer techniques under various degrees of segmental instability of the cervical spine. Spine, 2004:29(7); E134-8.
Del Rossi G, Horodyski MB, Powers ME. The Effect of Training on the Performance of Spine Board Transfer Techniques.Journal of Athletic Training. 2003:38(3); 44-50.
Powers ME, Arnold BL, Weltman A, Perrin DH, Mistry D, Kayler D, Kraemer W, Volek J. Creatine supplementation increases total body water without altering fluid balance. Journal of Athletic Training. 2003:38(1); 44-50.
Dover GC, Powers ME, Wilk KE. Reliability of Joint Position Sense and Force Production Measures During Internal and External Rotation of the Shoulder. Journal of Athletic Training. 2003:38(4); 304-310.
Kaminski TW, Buckley BD, Powers ME, Hubbard TJ. Effect of strength and proprioception training on eversion to inversion strength ratios in subjects with unilateral functional ankle instability. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2003:37; 410-415.
Dover GC, Kaminski TW, Powers ME, Horodyski MB, Buckley B, Meister KM. Assessment of shoulder proprioception in the female overhand athlete. American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2003:31(3); 431-437.
Powers ME. Safety and efficacy of steroid precursors: what is the scientific evidence? Journal of Athletic Training. 2002:37(3); 300-305.
Porter GK, Kaminski TW, Hatzel BM, Powers ME, Horodyski MB. An examination of the stretch-shortening cycle of the dorsiflexors and evertors in uninjured and functionally unstable ankles.Journal of Athletic Training, 2002:37(4): 494-500.
Powers ME. Ephedra and its application to sport performance: another concern for the athletic trainer? Journal of Athletic Training. 2001:36(4); 420-424.
Kaminski TW, Powers ME, Buckley B. Differential assessment of elbow injuries. Athletic Therapy Today. 2000:5(3); 6-11.
Powers ME. Creatine and ephedra and their application to sport performance. In, Proceedings. National Athletic Trainers' Association. 51st Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposia, Champaign, Ill., Human Kinetics: National Athletic Trainers' Association, 2000, p. 216-218.
Powers ME. Rotator cuff strengthening for pitchers. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 1998:7(4); 285-299.
Powers ME. Vertical jump training for volleyball. Journal of Strength and Conditioning. 1996:18(1); 18-23.
Selected Presentations
“Fill Your Hands: Emergency Planning in Athletic Training.” Oral presentation at the National Athletic Trainers’ Association Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, June 28, 2017.
“A comparison of PNF and static stretching on hamstring flexibility.” Poster presentation at the National Athletic Trainers’ Association Annual Meeting and Symposium, June 24, 2015, St. Louis, MO.
“A comparison of Game Ready® and cold whirlpool for acute edema removal.” Oral presentation at the National Athletic Trainers’ Association Annual Meeting and Symposium, June 26, 2014, Indianapolis, IN.
“The acute effect of stimulant ingestion on ImPACT test performance.” Oral presentation at the National Athletic Trainers’ Association Annual Meeting and Symposium, June 25, 2013, Las Vegas, NV.
“New Competencies in Airway management for the Athletic Trainer.” Workshop presented at the Eastern Athletic Trainers’ Association Annual Meeting, January 6, 2013, Buffalo, NY. “Bilateral tri-compartment exercise induced compartment syndrome in a collegiate distance runner.” Poster presentation at the National Athletic Trainers’ Association Annual Meeting and Symposium, June 28, 2012, St. Louis, MO.