Michel Becuwe

Assistant Professor of Biology


Dr. Becuwe is an assistant professor of Biology, with primary research interest in membrane dynamics and lipid metabolism. He applies cell biology, genetics and fluorescent microscopy approaches using yeast as model organism.

Prior to joining Marist, Dr. Becuwe was course instructor at Harvard college for 2 years teaching Cell and Molecular Biology to undergraduate students. He was also a postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in the lab of Robert Farese, Jr and Tobias Walther.

Dr. Becuwe received his education from France. His graduate work examined the regulation of intracellular trafficking by ubiquitin.


Research Interests / Areas of Focus

Selected Publications

Awards and Honors

Image of Michel Becuwe

Contact Information

Academic School

School of Science


Allied Health 321




(845) 575-3000 ext. 2748