Dr. Alyssa M. Yetter

Assistant Professor of Crime and Justice Studies


Dr. Yetter is an Assistant Professor of Crime and Justice Studies. She holds a doctorate in sociology and a master's in criminology. The principal focus of her teaching and research is the intersection between social stratification, crime, and the criminal justice system. Her work is fundamentally driven by concern for the experiences of survivors of violent victimization, who are too often doubly failed—first when victimized and second when seeking help and recovery. Her research involves critical inquiry into 1) how survivors' lives and families are shaped during recovery by inequality and disadvantage, and 2) how to improve the ability of law enforcement to work with victims of crime in effective, procedurally just ways. This second line of research includes an exploration of the roles and impacts of higher education in law enforcement training. Prior to coming to Marist, Dr. Yetter taught at Merrimack College in North Andover, MA. Her areas of expertise include domestic violence, law enforcement training, victimology, stratification, and survey design. She particularly enjoys mentoring undergraduate student research.  


Research Interests / Areas of Focus

Selected Publications

Selected Presentations

Awards and Honors

Contact Information

Academic School

School of Social and Behavioral Science


Dyson 3081




(845) 575-3000 ext. 2094