Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.About
Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Academics
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Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Admission & Financial Aid
Student Life
Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Student Life
- Athletics
Dr. Isabel Merchant Rose
Associate Professor, Social Work
Phone: (845) 575-3000 ext. 2983
Email: isabel.rose@marist.edu
Retired 2019
Degrees Held
(2001) Ph.D. School of Social Welfare, University at Albany, State University of New York, Albany, New York
(1988) M.S.W. Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, Virginia Concentration: Family and Children Research: Oregon Hill community survey: A study of racial attitudes.
(1980) B.S. Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, Virginia Major: Sociology
Licensed Master of Social Work (LMSW)
Over the past 25 years Dr. Rose has worked as a clinical social worker, administrator, researcher, and Assistant Professor at Wayne State University. Her clinical work has focused on the multiple clinical and concrete needs of those experiencing homelessness, severe mental illness and substance abuse.
Awards and Honors
Department of Veteran Affairs Office of Academic Affiliations FY 2000 Pre-Doctoral Social Work Fellowship. Dissertation research: Intimate partner violence and sexual harassment in women veterans: Prevalence, provider inquiry and associated mental health outcomes. Grant amount: $18,500.
Wayne State University's 2000-2001 Minority/Women Summer Grant Program. Grant amount: $7,300.
Pimlott Kubiak, S. & Rose, I. (2007). Trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder in inmates with histories of substance use. In D. Springer & A. Roberts (Eds.), Handbook of forensic mental health with victims and offenders: Assessment, treatment, and research (pp. 445-466). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Pimlott Kubiak, S., Sobeck, J., & Rose, I. (2005). 'It's not a gap, it's a gulf': An analysis of
barriers to integrated treatment for those with co-occurring disorders using Kingdon's multiple streams theory. Best Practices in Mental Health: An International Journal, 1(2), 19-33.
McNutt, L.A., Carlson, B.E., Rose, I.M., & Robinson, D.(2002). Partner Violence Intervention in the Busy Primary Care Environment. American Journal of Preventative Medicine, 22(2), 84-91.
Carlson, B.E., McNutt, L.A., Choi, D., & Rose, I.M. (2002). Intimate partner abuse and mental health: The Role of Social Support and Other Protective Factors. Violence Against Women, 8(6), 720-745.
Rose, I.(2000). Homeless: Need for Shelter and Employment. In W.J. Reid, The Task Planner: An Intervention Resource for Human Service Professionals (pp. 166-168). New York: Columbia University Press.
Rose, I., & Jeremiah, D.(2000). Unemployment. In W.J. Reid, The Task Planner: An Intervention Resource for Human Development Professionals (pp. 257-259). New York: Columbia University Press.
Contributing Author:
Turner, C., & Frayne, S. (Eds.). (2004). Military sexual trauma: Independent study course. Birmingham, AL: Department of Veterans Affairs Employee Education System.
Research Interests
Research interests rest primarily in the study of interpersonal violence with a particular interest in intimate partner violence prevention.
Conferences and Workshops
Refereed Paper Presentations
Nov. 2008 Rose, I. ICP: Experiential learning in collaboration and interdisciplinary evidence-based practice. Council on Social Work Education 54th Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.
Oct. 2008 Rose, I., & Hanssen, D. Raise your hand if you are a feminist. New York State Social Work Education Association 41st Annual Conference. Saratoga Springs, NY.
Oct. 2006 Hanssen, D., & Rose, I. 'Is there any feminism left in social work education'' Twenty-fourth Annual Baccalaureate Social Work Education Conference. Los Angeles, CA.
March 2005 Rose, I. 'Welcoming our women veterans home: Gaining a working knowledge of their risks for physical and sexual victimization, related health risks, and the tools for sensitive screening and assessment.' National Association of Social Workers, New York State Chapter 2006 Power of Social Work Conference: 'Professional Revitalization in a Climate of Change.' Albany, NY.
June 2002 Rose, I. 'Intimate partner violence and sexual harassment in women veterans: Prevalence, provider inquiry, and associated health outcomes.' Health Issues of Military and Veteran Women Research Symposium, Arlington, VA.
Jan. 2002 Rose, I. 'Intimate partner violence and sexual harassment in female veterans: Prevalence, provider inquiry and associated mental health outcomes.' Sixth Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work Research. San Diego, CA.
Oct. 2001 McNutt, L.A., Carlson, B.E., & Rose, I. 'Evaluation of intimate partner violence in a primary care setting.' American Public Health Association 129th Annual Meeting and Exposition. Atlanta, GA.
July 2001 Rose, I. 'Physical and sexual abuse among women veterans: Prevalence and associated health outcomes.' The 7th International Family Violence Research Conference. Portsmouth, N.H.
June 2001 McNutt, L.A., Carlson, B.E., & Rose, I. 'Evaluation of intimate partner violence intervention in primary care.' Congress of Epidemiology 2001. Toronto, Canada.
Oct. 2000 Carlson, B.E., McNutt, L.A., Choi, D., & Rose, I. 'Intimate violence and mental health: The role of social support and other protective factors.' National Conference on Health Care and Domestic Violence, Family Violence Prevention Fund. San Francisco, CA.
Oct. 2000 McNutt, L.A., Carlson, B. E., & Rose, I. 'Evaluation of an intimate partner violence screening protocol in a health maintenance organization primary care center.' National Conference on Health Care and Domestic Violence, Family Violence Prevention Fund. San Francisco, CA.
Sept. 2000 McNutt, L.A., Carlson, B.E., Rose, I. 'Evaluation of a partner violence screening and intervention protocol in a health maintenance organization primary care center.' 6th International Conference on Family Violence. San Diego, CA.
Jan. 2000 Carlson, B., McNutt, L., Choi, D., & Rose, I. 'Intimate partner abuse, diminished mental health and reduced social support'. Fourth Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, Charleston, SC.
Invited Presentations
Dec. 2007 Rose, I. 'Genograms: What, why, and how.' Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), Kingston, NY.
Oct. 2002 Rose, I. 'Intimate partner violence and sexual harassment in women veterans: Prevalence, provider inquiry, and associated health outcomes.' VA Healthcare Network Upstate New York and the Women Veterans Health Care Council, Buffalo, NY.
National Association of Social Workers
Council on Social Work Education
Society for Social Work Research
Trustee: National Association of Social Workers, New York State Chapter (NASW-NYS) PACE (Political Action for Candidate Election), 2014-present.
Keynote Speaker: Take Back The Night, Marist College, 2015
Volunteer and Mediator: Mediation Center of Dutchess County, 2012-present
President: NASW-NYS 2010-2012
President Elect: NASW-NYS, 2009
Keynote Speaker: Marist College Resident Adviser Diversity Training. January 17, 2009.
Volunteer: Dutchess County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 2006 ' Present.
Trustee: National Association of Social Workers, New York State Chapter (NASW-NYS) PACE (Political Action for Candidate Election), 2008.
Treasurer: NASW-NYS, 2004-2008.
Chair: Finance Committee, NASW-NYS, 2004 ' 2008.
Member: Executive Committee, NASW-NYS, 2004 ' 2008.
Member: Building Task Force, NASW-NYS, 2004 ' 2006.
Member: Mid-Hudson Valley Division of the National Association of Social Workers, New York State, 2004- present
Peer Reviewer: Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program of the Economic Research Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, summer 2005 and 2007.
Keynote Speaker: Take Back the Night, Center for Community Social Work, School of Social Work, Wayne State University, 2003.
Manuscript reviewer: Violence Against Women, 2002.
Member: Wayne County Council Against Family Violence.
Volunteer: Detroit Executive Service Corps.
Developer and Presenter: Application of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines. Workshops provided for interested WSU School of Social Work students and Marist College students.
Instructor: Law, Justice, and Order Alternatives to Violence, Schenectady, New York
Panelist: Homelessness among single adults: A multitude of faces, issues, and solutions. A public forum moderated by Robert Siegal, host of National Public Radio's 'All Things Considered' with featured speakers, Kim Hopper and Jim Baumohl. Forum broadcast by Central Virginia's Public Radio, October 1992.
Invited Participant: Health and Human Services Federal Workshop for the development of NOFA Guidelines for Safe Havens.
Co-Chair: Greater Richmond Homeless Coalition.
United Way Agency Executive Directors Forum Representative, Greater Richmond's United Way Human Services Planning Division.
Appointed to Mayor's Commission on Zoning, Richmond VA.
Creative Conflict Resolution Training, Richmond Peace Education Center.
Creative Conflict Resolution Training provided for:' University at Albany, SUNY, School of Social Welfare staff' Daily Planet staff and consumers' Virginia Commonwealth University MSW Association' Medical College of Virginia, Perinatal Residential staff' Freedom House staff