Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.About
Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Academics
Admission & Financial Aid
Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Admission & Financial Aid
Student Life
Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Student Life
- Athletics
Students are having discussion
Psychology Department
Important Notes:
- Psychology students must attend one orientation session during the first several weeks of the fall and spring semesters, when PSYC Internship Orientation sessions are offered. Instructors, posters, and emails will announce the date/time/place of the meetings to relevant students.
- Internship paperwork must be completed the semester before going into the field. Instructions to access them are in step 9 below.
*Note for International Students: If you are applying for an internship you must meet with the Designated School Official (DSO) before beginning the internship to complete required paperwork and obtain an authorized I-20. Please visit the Career Services site to review the Application Process for Elective Credit Internships for International Students and Eligibility Requirements for International Students drop-down sections for details.
Preparing for Internship: 10 Steps for Setting Up Your Internship Placement
Course Descriptions
Under the supervision of both a faculty supervisor and field professional, students take the theories and principles learned in the classroom and apply them to their work in a field setting. Students acquire knowledge and new skills while providing service to the community. The internship experience facilitates awareness of the working world and helps students with their career development. A minimum of two 3-credit internship experiences are recommended for all Psychology majors. Students have the option of completing an internship during their junior year or during their senior year. Students may choose to take internship courses concurrently or across separate semesters to create part-time or full-time experiences.
Prerequisites and Limits
- Internship is graded as P (Pass) or NC (No Credit).
- Internship experiences may NOT be used to fulfill the Psychology electives requirement of the Psychology major.
- Students shall not register for more than 12 credits of Internship in one semester (because registering for 12 credits in one semester would require that students work a full-time internship schedule: 36 to 40 hours a week for a total of 500 work hours).
- Students cannot complete more than 15 credits of Psychology Internship during the undergraduate program.
- Students must attend an internship orientation meeting.
- Students must complete the Code of Ethics and Professional Behavior Form, which must then be reviewed by the Internship Coordinator and found to be satisfactory. Students must agree to act within the bounds of the Code of Ethics of the American Psychological Association (see www.apa.org).
- Students cannot begin at an internship site without the review and approval of the Code of Ethics and Professional Behavior Form and the Internship Contract by the Internship Coordinator.
Note: Second semester juniors who are in the Marist Abroad programs may propose to do a part-time (3 credit) internship experience abroad.
These students must:
- Follow all of the regulations of Marist Abroad.
- Speak with their Psychology major advisor regarding planning their academic program.
- Complete the Marist Abroad's Academic Planning Form. This form must be signed by the student's academic advisor, Internship Coordinator, and the Chair of the Psychology Department in order to authorize the abroad internship.
- Follow the Psychology Internship Manual.
Internship Course Sequence & Course Numbers for Registration
Scheduling note:
The Internship Sequence of Courses and their respective course numbers are:
- Internship I: PSYC487N (3 credits; for the first 3 credits of Internship)
- Internship II: PSYC488N (3 credits; for students who have already registered for PSYC487N and would like to register for another 3 credits of Internship)
- Internship III: PSYC489N (3 credits; for students who have already registered for PSYC487N AND PSYC488N and would like to register for another 3 credits of Internship)
- Internship IV: PSYC490N (3 credits; for students who have already registered for PSYC487N AND PSYC488N AND PSYC489N, and would like to register for another 3 credits of Internship)
- Internship V: PSYC491N (3 credits; for students who have already registered for PSYC487N AND PSYC488N and PSYC489N AND PSYC490N, and would like to register for another 3 credits of Internship)
Internship I can be completed during the junior or senior year. Students can register for more than one internship course in one semester in order to achieve the desired workload. For example, students who choose to do six credits of internship would register for both PSYC487N and PSYC488N concurrently. Students can also choose to spread out their internship across multiple semesters.
- Students may begin their internship no earlier than the first day of the semester's classes. The internship must be completed before the last day of the semester's exam period.
- Internship hours must be spread evenly across the semester; a student cannot concentrate hours (e.g., work overtime) for a shorter period without approval from the Internship Coordinator. Requests must be submitted in writing.
- Students shall not register for more than 12 credits of internship in one semester (because registering for 12 credits in one semester would require that students work a full-time Internship schedule: 36 to 40 hours a week for a total of 500 work hours).
- Students cannot complete more than 15 credits of a Psychology Internship during the undergraduate program.
Student Learning Outcomes of the Psychology Major and Internship Program
The Internship Program provides a culminating experience that will challenge students to meet the student learning outcomes of the Psychology major as outlined below:
Goal 1: Knowledge Base in Psychology
Students should demonstrate fundamental knowledge and comprehension of the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, historical trends and empirical findings to discuss how psychological principles apply to behavioral problems.
Goal 2: Scientific Inquiry and Critical Thinking
The skills in this domain involve the development of scientific reasoning and problem solving, including effective research methods.
Goal 3: Ethical and Social Responsibility in a Diverse World
The skills in this domain involve the development of ethically and socially responsible behaviors for professional and personal settings in a landscape that involves increasing diversity.
Goal 4: Communication
Students should demonstrate competence in writing and in oral and interpersonal communication skills.
Goal 5: Professional Development
The emphasis in this goal is on application of psychology-specific content and skills, effective self-reflection, project management skills, teamwork skills, and career preparation.
Who's Who in the Internship Process and Contact Information
There are several people involved in the process of setting up and performing an internship experience that students need to be familiar with:
- The Intern
- The PSYC Internship Coordinator
- The Site Contact Person
- The Site Supervisor
- The Faculty Supervisor
- The PSYC Chair and Faculty
Intern - the undergraduate PSYC student completing the internship requirement.
PSYC Internship Program Coordinator - the Marist faculty member who administers the PSYC Major Internship Program. Some of the responsibilities of the coordinator include: providing orientation meetings to students, updating the internship manual and list of sites, approving new internship sites, approving internship contracts, handling requests by students to deviate from the standard policies and practices of the internship process, supervising the faculty supervisors, and creating procedures to administer the program effectively. Currently, the Internship Coordinator is:
- Yasmine Awais, PhD, LCAT
Marist College
3399 North Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-1387
phone: (845) 575-3000 x2060
email: yasmine.awais@marist.edu
Site Contact Person - this is the person identified by the internship site to be a gatekeeper for all contacts from students seeking field experiences. An agency may receive calls/emails from many students, not only from Marist, but also from other area colleges. Thus, it is more efficient for each site to have one designated contact person. In some cases, the contact person is the same individual as the Site Supervisor.
Site Supervisor - the professional at an internship site who has taken responsibility for the orientation, training, education, and close supervision of the intern. The site supervisor must have a proper education, training, and experience in psychology or related background to responsibly supervise the intern. The Site Supervisor maintains communication with the Faculty Supervisor regarding the intern's progress and performance. The Site Supervisor also evaluates the intern at the midway point of the internship, and again formally (via the Evaluation Form) at the end of the experience. The Faculty Supervisor uses this information when assigning a grade.
Faculty Supervisor - the Marist faculty member who is the instructor to the interns during the semester. The Faculty Supervisor is the Marist liason who supervises the groups of interns and performs duties that include: ensuring that the internship contract agreements are carried out, communicating with interns and site supervisors, reviewing the interns' paperwork assignments (journals, time sheets, papers, etc.), visiting the internship site, troubleshooting issues that arise, conducting the mandatory group supervision meetings for interns, and assigning the grades.
Currently, the Faculty Supervisor is:
- Yasmine Awais, PhD, LCAT
phone: (845) 575-3000 x2060
email: yasmine.awais@Marist.edu
The Psychology Department Chair and Faculty - the Internship Coordinator reports to the Chair of the department regarding the administering of the program. The Psychology Faculty sets and amends major policies regarding the internship requirement of the psychology major. Currently, the chair is:
- Mary Stone, Ph.D.
Chair, Psychology Department
Marist College
3399 North Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-1387
phone: (845) 575-3000, x2961
email: Mary.Stone@marist.edu
Preparation Deadlines
The time to set up an Internship Placement is the SEMESTER BEFORE you go out into the field.
Students must have arranged for an internship placement, submitted the Code of Ethics and Professional Behavior Form, and the signed/approved Internship Contract to the Internship Coordinator via Brightspace according to the following deadlines:
- For Fall Semester Internship, the forms must be completed by April 25th of the previous Spring Semester.
- For Spring Semester Internship, the forms must be completed by December 1st of the previous Fall Semester.
- For the 12-week Summer Semester Internship, the forms must be completed by April 25th of the previous Spring Semester.
- Requesting an Extension of a Deadline: A request must be submitted in writing to the Internship Coordinator for an extension of a deadline. The proposal/request must be accompanied by a substantive explanation/rationale. (Procrastination is not an acceptable reason.)
- NOTE: The following special proposals/requests must be submitted in writing (along with a rationale) to the Internship Coordinator at least ONE MONTH prior to the respective deadline dates specified above:
1. Proposing a NEW internship site.
2. Requesting exceptions to any of the internship policies in this manual.
- Paperwork is to be submitted to the internship Brightspace site. The site will be available to you once you register for internship.
The Internship Coordinator for the undergraduate Psychology students is:
Yasmine Awais, PhD, LCAT
Marist College
3399 North Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-1387
phone: (845) 575-3000 x2060
email: yasmine.awais@marist.edu
The PSYC major requires a total of 6 credits of Internship.
Students must work 9 hours/week spread over 14 weeks for every 3 credits of Internship.
- Registering for 3 credits = 9 hours/week over 14 weeks of a semester: a total minimum of 125 hours.
- Registering for 6 credits = 18 hours/week over 14 weeks of a semester: a total minimum of 250 hours.
- Registering for 9 credits = 27 hours/week over 14 weeks of a semester: a total minimum of 375 hours.
- Registering for 12 credits = 36 hours/week over 14 weeks of a semester: a total minimum of 500 hours.
It should be noted that during the summer, there are only about 12 weeks. Thus, each 3 credits represents slightly over 10 hours of work per week with a total minimum of 125 internship hours.
Internship Course Sequence and Course Numbers for Registration
The Internship Sequence of Courses and their respective Course Numbers are:
- Internship I: PSYC487N (3 credits; for the first 3 credits of internship)
- Internship II: PSYC488N (3 credits; for students who have already registered for PSYC487N and would like to register for another 3 credits of internship)
- Internship III: PSYC489N (3 credits; for students who have already registered for PSYC487N and PSYC488N, and would like to register for another 3 credits of internship)
- Internship IV: PSYC490N (3 credits; for students who have already registered for PSYC487N AND PSYC488N AND PSYC489N, and would like to register for another 3 credits of internship)
- Internship V: PSYC491N (3 credits; for students who have already registered for PSYC487N AND PSYC488N AND PSYC489N AND PSYC490N, and would like to register for another 3 credits of internship)
Internship can be completed during the junior year or during the senior year.
Additional Workload Notes:
- Students may begin their internship no earlier than the first day of the semester's classes. The internship must be completed before the last day of the semester's exam period.
- Internship hours must be spread evenly across the semester; a student cannot concentrate hours (e.g., work overtime) for a shorter period without approval from the Internship Coordinator. Requests must be submitted in writing.
- Students shall not register for more than 12 credits of Internship in one semester (because registering for 12 credits in one semester would require that students work a full-time internship schedule: 36 to 40 hours a week for a total of 500 work hours).
- Students cannot complete more than 15 credits of Psychology Internship during the undergraduate program.
Last updated: 11/10/24
NOTICE: This directory is intended for use by only persons entitled to receive the information it contains. Please do not read, copy, forward, or store this information unless you are an intended recipient of it. This directory is not to be used for any fundraising, sales, or other non-college-related business or activity.
Sites are listed in alphabetical order by name of agency.
After each site list name there are a series of letters in parentheses. Refer to the following site list key to search for your area of interest:
C = clinical/counseling site |
D/A = drug/alcohol related services |
CJ = psyc/criminal justice site |
Psy = working with psychiatric population |
CM = case management |
HR = human resources |
Ch = children and/or adolescent population |
DD = developmental disabilities and/or autism spectrum |
Sp = sports psychology |
V = vocational counseling exposure |
R = research |
A = adult population |
Sch = school based site |
AR = art therapy exposure |
OT = occupational therapy exposure |
M= music therapy exposure |
CI = crisis intervention exposure |
O= outreach |
Mar= marketing |
ST = Speech therapy |
Site: Abilities First (C, Ch, Sch, OT, DD)
Name of contact person: Denise Blair, Principle, MSEd, SLB
Phone for contact person: (845) 452-0774
Internship address: Main site: 230 North Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 - other school sites in Hyde Park, Red Hook, and Beacon
Email: Deniseblair@abilitiesfirstny.org
Internship webpage: www.abilitiesfirstny.org
Population: Special needs day school servicing students with disabilities ages 5-21
Type of site: residential, school, day treatment clinic
Possible duties: Functioning as a teaching aid in self-contained classroom, assist in occupational/physical/speech therapy programs
Estimated driving time from Marist: 10-15 minutes
Site: American Psychological Association (APA)
Site: Anderson Center for Autism (R, DD)
Name of contact person: Kendall Wolven, SpEd
Phone for contact person: (845) 889-4034
Email: kwolven@andersoncares.org
Internship address: 4885 Route 9 Staatsburg, NY 12580 (main campus)
Internship webpage: https://www.andersoncenterforautism.org
Population: Autism and related developmental disabilities, ages 2 and up*
Type of sites: Residential school ages 6 - 21, adult community homes, adult day habilitation
Possible duties: Anderson Center for Autism offers several different internship opportunities. Depending upon the particular position, the following are possible duties: research, observation, learn about evidence-based educational practices and instructional methods utilized in a classroom setting, learn about assessment and instruction, gain an understanding of the Multi-Tiered System of Support framework utilized with an emphasis on universal supports for students with ASD, assist students with academic support as directed by the Special Educator, assist students with utilizing sensory supports, self-regulation and calming strategies, participate in classroom team planning meetings, participate in other meetings including treatment team, annual IEP and faculty meetings as scheduled, allow networking with school personnel with an opportunity to interview and shadow personnel (school administrators, senior administrators, related services staff, education specialist, IEP coordinator, case managers), gain an understanding of Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) principles, gain an understanding of the different aspects of Functional Behavioral Analysis (FBA) process, gain an understanding of Behavior Support Plan (BSP) development, gain an understanding of the universal supports designed to promote participation in classroom and residential activities, gain an understanding of data collection and analysis, interact with members of an interdisciplinary team, gain an understanding of evidence-based practices and instructional methods utilized in a residential setting, gain an understanding of the communication necessary to ensure support to students as they participate in recreation and leisure activities, assist students with utilizing sensory supports, self-regulation and calming strategies, human resources responsibilities.
*Inquire about paid internship opportunities
Estimated driving time from Marist: 15 minutes
Site: The Art Effect
Name of contact person: Cory Spraker
Phone for contact person: 845-471-7477
Email: cory@thearteffect.org
Internship address: 45 Pershing Ave, Poughkeepsie NY 12601
Population: various
Type of sites: The Art Effect empowers young people to develop their creative voice to shape their futures and bring about positive social change. The Art Effect helps youth explore, experience, and excel in the arts, introducing them to visual arts and media, giving them the opportunity to develop real skills in these fields, and guiding them towards achieving their academic and career goals. We believe that the arts have the power to create a more vibrant, caring, and sustainable world led by a generation of youth who value creative thinking, diverse voices, and stronger connections between all people. The Art Effect directly serves over 2,000 young people throughout the Hudson Valley each year.
Possible duties: Marketing & Communications Interns assist with all aspects of The Art Effect’s communications channels. Responsibilities include: keeping our website up-to-date, connecting with local and national media outlets, creating and sending out press releases, creating content for social media, and conducting community outreach. Availability required is at least 4 hours per week. Social Media Intern Social Media Interns assist with representing The Art Effect’s programs and initiatives in digital spaces. Responsibilities of this internship include: building content for marketing materials (including e-blasts, blog posts, press releases, social media, flyers, etc.), inputting information into community calendars, conducting web analytics, and conducting community outreach. Working knowledge of Microsoft Office and Google Suite and graphic design experience preferred. Availability required is at least 4 hours per week.
Estimated driving time from Marist: 10-15 minutes
Site: Astor Services (HR, R)
Name of contact person: Kate Bagshaw
Phone for contact person: (845) 871-1002
Email: kbagshaw@astorservices.org
Internship address:6339 Mill Street Rhinebeck, NY 12572
Population: employees
Type of sites: office
Possible duties: recruitment, pre-screening potential new hires, reference checks on prospective employees, observation of union negotiations.
Estimated driving time from Marist: 20 minutes
Site: Behavioral Associates (HR, C, R)
Name of contact person: Alethia Williams, Office Manager
Phone for contact person: (212) 860-8500
Email: alethia.williams@behavioralassociates.com
Internship address: 1619 3rd Avenue Rm. 202, New York, NY 10128
Population: High functioning children, teens and adults with a wide variety of presenting problems
Type of site: Outpatient private practice. Behaviorally-oriented practice that uses technology such as Virtual Reality, Biofeedback and Neurofeedback.
Possible duties: Assist in managing patient files through Google Drive, Engage in database management regarding outreach and referrals, Research, curate and author content for social media, blog and website, Read articles on CBT, DBT, ACT and other modalities as sent by supervisor, Work alongside other undergraduate interns, graduate students and staff, Participate in weekly video supervision to discuss experience. Meet with staff and trainees to learn about their experiences, career path, and ask other questions as appropriate, Career development regarding next steps in graduate career in social work, psychology and the field of mental health.
Site: Big Brothers, Big Sisters Of Orange County (Sch, CM)
Name of contact person: Julie Woodward, Program Director
Phone for contact person: (845) 562-5900
Email: nancykosloski@mentorachild.org and jwoodward@mentorachild.org
Internship address: Main office: 148 Temple Hill Road Vails Gate, NY 12584-0426
Internship webpage: www.mentorachild.org
Population: Prevention and youth development services to children and youths ages 4-17, predominantly from single-parent or guardian headed households, with incarcerated parent and families experiencing degrees of stress and dysfunction. Services focus on mentoring support, life skills education, and short term counseling support.
Type of sites: community-based, school-based, and site-based mentoring and youth development programs.
Possible duties: Students will be introduced to the agency programs and service delivery system. Students will develop: knowledge of agency policies and procedures; knowledge of the National Big Brothers Big Sisters of Americas Standards of Practice for Service; Group presentation skills during recruitment; Needs-analysis skills, interviewing, and assessment skills through shadowing a Mentoring Manager; ability to synthesize information through the youth - mentor matching process; skills in evaluating needs and progress; note-taking skills regarding case recordings, narrative write-ups on interviews, and other areas of documentation; knowledge of a not-for-profit agency and its community networking; exposure to the grant process for not-for-profit agencies.
Estimated driving time from Marist: 30 minutes
Site: Center for Enhanced Performance, U.S. Military Academy (R, Sp)
Name of contact person: Kathryn Longshore, PhD
Phone for contact person: (845) 938-7814
Email: kathryn.longshore@westpoint.edu
Population: West Point cadets
Type of site: sport psychology training center
Possible duties: observe and assist Performance Psychology Trainers during individual, group, and class delivery of mental skills training, provide relaxation and biofeedback training for cadets, assist in development of goal sheets, affirmation and imagery scripts, workshop materials, etc., attend CEP courses, assist with record keeping, and facilitate tours of CEP.
Further information on USMA’s Center for Enhanced Performance and Performance Psychology Program can be found at https://www.ceptutoring.com/home.
Note the following application deadlines:
For Summer internships, apply by 3/31
For Fall internships, apply by 6/18
For Spring internships, apply by 10/31
Estimated driving time from Marist: 60 minutes
Site: The Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse (CPCA)
Name of contact person: Jessica Wexler
Phone for contact person: (845) 249-4869
Internship address: 35 Van Wagner Road, Arlington NY, 12603
Internship webpage: https://www.thecpca.org/
Population: Students (preschool to 8th grade) throughout Dutchess County and possible victims of child abuse or bullying
Type of site: Non-profit
Possible duties: Provide group instruction to students on child abuse and bullying prevention by teaching skills and strategies to keep their bodies safe with use of multifaceted trainings.
Estimated driving time from Marist: 7-10 minutes
Site: Center for Victim Safety and Support (CJ, CI, A)
Name of contact person: Stacey Ann, Coordinator of Training and Outreach
Phone for contact person: (845) 452-1110 ext. 3410
Email: sanne@familyservicesny.org
Internship address: 29 North Hamilton Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Internship webpage: www.familyservices.org
Population: crime victims in Dutchess County
Type of sites: office
Possible duties: Complete rape crisis training, advocacy of crime victims, accompany crime victims to court and physical assault exams, become acquainted with hotline, learn about claims forms
Estimated driving time from Marist: 10 minutes
Site: Children's Home of Poughkeepsie (Ch, CI, R)
Name of contact person: David Crenshaw/Courtney Doyle
Phone for contact person: (845) 452-1420, x295
Address: 10 Children's Way, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Webpage: http://www.childrenshome.us
Population: Emotionally disturbed (four site locations); Children and adolescents in community and home-based services; also serves bilingual clients
Type of site: Community based-treatment services; research would pertain to all programs including our placement programs
Possible duties: Accompany/shadow social worker or mental health counselor when visiting families and children in the community to do counseling/play therapy with younger children; Assist in assessment of clients; Potential to co-facilitate groups on social skills; Gather and interpret clinical data; Conduct clinical research related to clindren and adolescents in placement agency
Estimated driving time from Marist: 5 minutes
Site: Children’s Home of Poughkeepsie (Ch, R)
Name of contact person: David Crenshaw
Phone for contact person: (845) 452-1420, x295
Internship address: 10 Children's Way, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Internship webpage: http://www.childrenshome.us
Population: children and adolescents in community and home-based services- bilingual student positions available only now
Type of site: Clinical treatment and research
Possible duties: 1)shadow a mental health counselor or social worker working with children and youth in the community; 2) gather and interpret clinical data, conduct clinical research related to children and adolescents in placement agency
Estimated driving time from Marist: 5 minutes
Site: Community Housing Innovations (CM, C)
Name of contact person: Scott Mendelson/ Dana Schmidlein
Phone for contact person: (845) 229-9070
Email: smendelson@communityhousing.org or dschmidlein@communityhousing.org
Internship address: 2 Linden Lane, Hyde Park, NY 12538
Population: usually about 16 adults, 25 children
Type of sites: emergency housing program
Possible duties: case management training; helping run group for children; learning resources; assisting clients with finding housing, fundraising for children, recreational programming for families
Estimated driving time from Marist: 5 minutes
No preference indicated for amount of fieldwork hours per week.
Site: Court Consultation Services (CJ)
Name of contact person: Louise Luck or Marty McCaffrey
Phone for contact person: (845) 783-0677
Internship email: courtconsult@aol.com
Internship address: 30 Matthews Street Suite 111 Goshen, NY 10924
Internship webpage: www.mitigationspecialists.org
Population: adults
Type of sites: office
Possible duties: research, interviewing, client visitations
Estimated driving time from Marist: 55 minutes
Site: Director of Equity and Title IX Office
Name of contact person: Kelly Yough
Phone for contact person: (845) 575 – 2210
Internship address: 352 Health and Wellness Center
Internship webpage: www.marist.edu/title-ix
Population: undergraduate enrollment of approximately 5,824; Graduates approximately 900.
Type of site: College Campus – Administrative Office
Possible duties: Programming, Outreach, and Promotion for the Title IX Office.
1. Assist with awareness campaigns to students, faculty and staff regarding College policies and programs related to gender-based discrimination and harassment.
2. Help to promote the office through social media channels and other avenues that reach the college population.
3. Ensure availability of brochures and other relevant materials in key campus locations.
4. Assist with event management, such as room reservations, food orders, set-ups, etc. for the programs supported by the office.
5. Support development of new programs and awareness campaigns that reach the college campus.
Site: Dutchess County Family Court/ Honorable Judge Denise M. Watson (CJ)
Name of contact person: Marisa Bozyczko
Phone for contact person: 845-431-1863
Email: mbozyczko@nycourts.gov
Internship address:50 Market Street Poughkeepsie NY 12601
Population: court attendees
Type of sites: family court
Possible duties: observe family court proceedings, learn about forensic and psychosocial aspects of court proceedings, learn about negotiation and communication skills
Estimated driving time from Marist: 10 minutes
**Students must show proof of COVID-19 vaccination or request exemption.
Site: Dutchess County Family Court/ Honorable Judge Mackenzie (CJ)
Name of contact person: Sarah Baiano
Phone for contact person: 845-431-1863
Email: sbaiano@nycourts.gov
Internship address:50 Market Street Poughkeepsie NY 12601
Population: court attendees
Type of sites: family court
Possible duties: observe family court proceedings, learn about forensic and psychosocial aspects of court proceedings, learn about negotiation and communication skills
Estimated driving time from Marist: 10 minutes
*Students must show proof of COVID-19 vaccination or request exemption.
Site: Dutchess ARC (HR) The Arc Greater Hudson Valley
Name of contact person: Micheal Niles, Assistant HR Director
Phone for contact person: (845) 635-8084, x21117
Email: mniles@arcghvny.org
Address: 84 Patrick Lane, Suite 130 Poughkeepsie, NY 12603
Webpage: www.arcghvny.org
Type of site: Human Resources
Possible duties: Become involved with the entire Human Resource process including interviewing, checking references, completing of a personnel file, benefits, and training.
Estimated driving time from Marist: 12 minutes
Site: Dutchess County Sheriff’s Office (L, F)
Name of contact person: Det. Adrienne Licari and Det. Kate Capalbo
Phone for contact person: (914) 489-1215
Email: alicari@dutchessny.gov or kcapalbo@dutchessny.gov
Internship address: 108 Parker Ave, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Internship webpage: N/A
Type of site: Police Department
Possible duties: Assisting/observing police officers; Crime analysis
Estimated driving time from Marist: 5 minutes
Site: Emergency One Urgent Care/ Employee Assistance Program (HR)
Name of contact person: [no contact at this time]
Phone for contact person: (845) 338-5600 [general nuber for Kingston location]
Email: [no contact at this time]
Website: https://eonekingston.com
Internship address: 40 Hurley Avenue, Kingston, NY 12401
Population: children, adolescents, adults seeking urgent physical care or employee assistance
Type of sites: outpatient clinic
Possible duties: assist with human resources, accounting, customer service, marketing and special projects as needed
Estimated driving time from Marist: 35 minutes to Kingston office; 10 minutes to Hyde Park location
- 9 hours per week internship schedule is preferred
Site: Exodus Transitional Community (CM)
Name of contact person: Carlos Valencia
Phone for contact person: (845) 452-7620
Internship Address: 99 Cannon Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Population: adults affected by the justice system
Type of sites: office, residential
Possible duties: assist with re-entry, job seeking, transitions for individuals in need
Estimated driving time from Marist: 10 minutes
Site: Family Of Woodstock (C, CI, CM)
Name of contact person: Tamara Cooper
Phone for contact person: (845) 679-2485
Email: tcooper@familyofwoodstockinc.org
Internship address: 16 Rock City Road, Woodstock, NY 12498
Internship webpage: familyofwoodstockinc.org
Population: adolescents/adults
Type of sites: crisis walk-in center and hotline
Possible duties: student will be trained in crisis counseling
Estimated driving time from Marist: 60 minutes
Site: Family Services (Ch, C, CM, A, HR)
Name of contact person: Rachael Pacella, Staffing and Development Manager
Phone for contact person: (845) 452-1110, ext 3107
Email: rpacella@familyservicesny.org
Address: 29 North Hamilton Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Webpage: www.familyservicesny.org
Population: children, adolescents, adults
Type of sites: office, court, residences
Possible duties: Depending on the particular program, duties can include case management, involvement in family court, human resources, finance, fundraising, exposure to grant writing, observation of counseling. Internships in the following departments would be located at the main building (29 North Hamilton Street): HR, finance, grants, fundraising.
Site: Grace Smith House (CI, C)
Name of contact person: Kim Dangerfield, Director of Outreach And Support Services
Phone for contact person: (845) 471-3083 ext 213
Email: kimd@gracesmithhouse.org
Internship address: 1 Brookside Ave. Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Internship webpage: http://www.gracesmithhouse.org/
Population: adults and children affected by domestic violence
Type of sites: Two shelters, transitional housing, and nonresidential support to domestic violence victims
Possible duties: gain experience with program advocates, case management, learn about CPS, understand domestic violence dynamics, connect to clients to community resources
Estimated driving time from Marist: 5 minutes
*Students are required to complete a minimum of 14 hours of training at the site and to complete at least one community outreach event.
For more details, speak with the site contact person.
Site: The Grand Healthcare System at River Valley (A)
Name of contact person: Tara E. Degan, MPA, LNHA, Administrator
Phone for contact person: (845) 454-7600 x4168
Email: TDegan@thegrandhealthcare.com
Address: 140 Main Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Webpage: www.TheGrandHealthcare.com
Population: Rehab, nursing home
Type of site: Two shelters, transitional housing and nonresidential support to domestic violence victims and survivors
Possible duties: Gain experience with program advocates, case management, learn about CPS, understand domestic violence dynamics, connect to clients to community resources
Estimated driving time from Marist: 10 minutes
Site: Greystone Programs (DD)
Name of contact person: Melissa Dasecke, HR Generalist or Shiasha Mann
Phone for contact person: (845) 452-5772, x142
Email: mdasecke@greystoneprograms.org or smann@greystoneprograms.org
Internship address: 700 South Drive Suite 203 Hopewell Junction, NY 12533
Internship webpage: www.greystoneprograms.org
Population: adults
Type of site: residential
Possible duties: Teach and work with adults with developmental disabilities, shadow direct care workers as they provide hands-on support to developmentally disabled adults or children, learn about behavioral treatment plans, collect and chart behavioral data, serve as role model and teach daily living and communication skills to developmentally disabled individuals.
Estimated driving time from Marist: 10 minutes
Site: Highland High School
Name of contact person: Heather Bragg
Phone for contact person: Work: 845-691-1000 ext. 3025 Cell: 914-474-8871
Email: hbragg@highland-k12.org
Internship address: 320 Pancake Hollow Rd, Highland, NY 12528
Population: 500 Students
Type of site: school
Possible duties: Observation of daily School Counselor activities, Take on small case load of students to work with on social/emotional and academic issues. Be a part of any major projects or events sponsored by the School Counseling Office, ex. College Fair, Financial Aid Night, Superintendent Days, College Information Night and Ability to create own projects.
Estimated driving time from Marist: 20 Mins
Site: Hudson River Housing (C, Ch, CI)
Name of contact person: Christa Hines, President/CEO
Phone for contact Office: (845)-454-5176 x113 at Hudson River Housing
Cell: (845)- 905- 9334
Email: chines@hudsonriverhousing.org
Internship address: 313 Mill St., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Internship webpage: www.hudsonriverhousing.org
Internship address: 313 Mill Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (administration)
Population: Adolescents (runaway, homeless, at risk youth), Veterans
Type of site: residential 12 bed emergency shelter, youth shelter, homeless housing, office
Possible duties: Providing crisis interaction services, conducting intakes, developing and implementing service plans, facilitating workshops and activities for residents, facilitating work transition, working with veteran population
Estimated driving time from Marist: 5 minutes
Site: Independent Living Support/Transitional Living Program (Ch, CM)
Name of contact person: Nikole Johnannesen, VP of Resident and vocational Services
Phone for contact Office: (845)-337- 4407 ext. 406 at Hudson River Housing
Cell: (845)- 905- 6138
Email: njohannesen@hudsonriverhousing.org
Internship address: 310 Mill St., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Internship webpage: www.hudsonriverhousing.org
Population: youth, adolescents ages 16-21 years old
Type of site: youth shelter and housing, outreach, case management, transitional residences
Possible duties: Case management, assistance with independent living skills, supervision of residents at transitional living sites
Estimated driving time from Marist: 10 minutes
Site: Independent Living Support/Transitional Living Program (Ch, CM)
Name of contact person: Nikole Johnannesen, VP of Resident and vocational Services
Phone for contact Office: (845)-337- 4407 ext. 406 at Hudson River Housing
Cell: (845)- 905- 6138
Email: njohannesen@hudsonriverhousing.org
Internship address: 310 Mill St., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Internship webpage: www.hudsonriverhousing.org
Population: youth, adolescents ages 16-21 years old
Type of site: youth shelter and housing, outreach, case management, transitional residences
Possible duties: Case management, assistance with independent living skills, supervision of residents at transitional living sites
Estimated driving time from Marist: 10 minutes
Site: Kaplan Career Academy, New Windsor NY (Sch)
Name of contact person: Ashley Woodin, New York State Certified School Psychologist
Phone for contact person: cell 845-416-5049, work phone 845-522-8460 Ext 1034
Internship Address: 623 Blooming Grove Tpk., New Windsor, NY 12553
Possible duties: Behavioral observations for students in the classroom, observing counseling sessions with students in both individual and group settings, observation of crisis intervention in the building (i.e. when a student is having a difficult time, the intern will accompany the supervisor to the situation and observe how the crisis staff handle different crisis situations), provide 1:1 support to a student throughout the school day, intern may be asked to create a group counseling activity
Estimated driving time from Marist: 40 minutes
Site: Kingston Adult Case Management Services (CM)
Name of contact person: Amy Colon
Phone for contact person: (845) 331-7080 x141
Email: acolon@fowinc.org
Internship address: P.O. Box 3516, Kingston, NY 12402
Internship webpage: www.familyofwoodstockinc.org
Population: homeless, mentally ill, substance abuse, adolescent, adult
Type of sites: office setting
Possible duties: case management, learn about homelessness, interact with other agencies, coordinate referrals, maintain case files
Estimated driving time from Marist: 40 minutes
Prefers 9 or 18 hour/week schedule
Site: Lagrange Middle School(Sch)
Name of contact person: Christine Casserta
Phone for contact person: (845)486-4880 ext 22125
email: CCasserta@acsdny.org
Internship address: 110 Stringham Road Lagrangeville NY 12540
Population: middle school children/teens
Type of site: school
Possible duties: counseling support, crisis intervention, school team meetings, consultations
Estimated driving time from Marist: 20 minutes
Site: Liberty Partnership (Ch, CM, AR)
Name of contact person: Crystal Purfield
Phone for contact person: (845) 575-3730
Email: Crystal.Purfield@Marist.edu
Internship Address: Marist College, 69 West Cedar St., and off-site
Population: Poughkeepsie City School District students in grades 5 through 12
Type of site: LPP Office and Schools; Education
Possible duties: Provide homework help and mentoring during the after-school programs; student advising; assist staff with organizing events and workshops at the school sites and on campus, and assist with office task as needed.
Estimated driving time from Marist: 5 minutes
Site: Lexington Center for Recovery, Inc (D/A, C, CM)
Name of contact person: Terry Doyle
Email: tdoyle@lexingtonctr.org
Internship address: Poughkeepsie, Wappinger Falls
Population: substance abusers
Type of sites: alcohol/substance abuse outpatient
Possible duties: learn intake process for new admissions, co-facilitate group therapy, case management, maintain client files, treatment planning
Estimated driving time from Marist: 30 minutes
Site: Marist College Counseling Services (Sch, C)
Phone: (845) 575-3314
Email: counseling.services@marist.edu
Internship address: Marist College, Midrise 113
Internship webpage: https://www.marist.edu/student-life/services/counseling
Population: undergraduate college students
Type of sites: Counseling Center
Possible duties: Develop and co-lead workshops & trainings on mental wellness to campus community; Curate, create, and post social media content; Meet with each staff member to learn about social work, mental health counseling, and psychology fields in action within college counseling; Collaborate with masters-level interns on projects of interest; Research, curate, and present data on national trends in college mental health; Attend staff meetings and weekly supervision.
Estimated driving time from Marist: on campus
Placement is 9 hours/week
Fall 2024 Applications accepted January 22 - March 22, 2024.
Spring 2025 Applications accepted August 26 - November 1, 2024.
To apply, please email introduction and resume to counseling.services@marist.edu.
Site: Marist Poll: College 2 Career (R)
Name of contact person: Daniela Charter
Phone for contact person: (845) 575-5050
Email: Daniela.Charter@marist.edu
Internship address: Marist College, Poughkeepsie
Type of site: research
Possible duties: College 2 Career Data/Project Management Track Description Interns in The Marist Poll’s College 2 Career Data/Project Management track will help advance The Marist Poll’s research and survey operations. Interns will conduct background research necessary to carry out survey projects, will analyze data, and will conceptualize and implement processes to enhance the efficiency of the survey center.
Click here for application: https://airtable.com/shraj6OYCl8HM8YBC
Site: Marist Upward Bound (Sch, V)
Name of contact person: Mario Johnson
Phone for contact person: (845) 575-3258
Email: Mario.Johnson@Marist.edu
Internship address: 3399 North Road Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (St. Peter’s Building)
Population: children 14-18
Type of sites: college setting
Possible duties: The intern resides in the residence hall with the students. His/Her primary responsibilities include assisting the residential coordinator, with supervision of students, mentoring, supervision of the study center and, providing academic assistance in general high school subjects. Interns will also plan and supervise in cultural, physical, and recreational activities, including trips.
Please note: this unique situation involves being a big brother/sister, confidante, role model, mentor and disciplinarian while maintaining a high level of ethical and professional standards.
Estimated driving time from Marist: 0 minutes
Estimated driving time from Marist: 0 minutes
Maya Gold Foundation (CH, R)
Name of contact person: Mathew Swerdloff
Phone for contact person: (845) 418-5227
Internship email: info@mayagoldfoundation.org
Internship address: 5 Wawarsing Road, New Paltz New York 12561
Internship webpage: www.mayagoldfoundation.org
Population: youth
Type of sites: community based organization serving the Hudson Valley and youth in Nepal
Possible duties: may include supporting the development of community events (public speakers, presentations, etc), assisting in marketing and community outreach, conducting research for future events, planning youth activities, leading activities for local youth, social media outreach, attending board and committee meetings, and working with board members to grow the organization. Depending on current programming, there may be opportunities to work directly with youth. Some work may be completed remotely.
Estimated driving time from Marist: 30 minutes
*prefers 9 hour per week internship
Site: Mental Health Association of Columbia-Greene Counties, Inc. (C, CM)
Name of contact person: Amanda Schufelt, Assistant HR Director
Phone for contact person: (518) 828 4619 ext 315
EMAIL: Aschufelt@mhacg.org
Internship address: 713 Union Street, Hudson, NY 12534
Internship webpage: www.mcacg.org
Population: emotionally or psychiatrically challenged individuals
Type of sites: outpatient
Possible duties: students may have the opportunity to interview, assess, and engage individual clients; co-facilitate group therapy, assist in service planning, collaborate in expressive arts groups, recreational, social and support groups, participate in team meetings and provider meetings in the community as appropriate.
Estimated driving time from Marist: 1 hour
Site: Meditation Center of Dutchess County (CJ)
Name of contact person: Bill Valente, Community Program Manager
Phone for contact person: (845) 471-7213
Email: bvalente@dutchessmediation.org
Internship address: 147 Union Street, Suite 102, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Internship webpage: www.dutchessmediation.org
Population: youth/ high school students
Type of sites: school/ mediation center
Possible duties: become familiar with alternative dispute resolution programs, assist in development and implementation of a peer mediation program at Poughkeepsie High School, research new developments in Transformative conflict resolution for youth
Estimated driving time from Marist: 10 minutes
Site: Mental Health America Beacon Wellness PROS (CM)
Name of contact person: Nicole Peace, LMSW
Phone for contact person: (845) 831-2124, x1205
Email: NPeace@mhadutchess.org
Internship address: 451 Fishkill Avenue Beacon NY 12508
Population: Adults with serious and persistent mental illness
Type of site: day treatment program/clinic
Possible duties: Observation and possible co-facilitation of groups, learn about mental illness and interventions, work closely with clinical staff as a part of an interdisciplinary clinical team.
Estimated driving time from Marist: 30 minutes
Site: Mental Health America in Orange County, Inc. (CM)
Name of contact person: joan ruizwerkema
Phone for contact person: 845 565 8575
Email: Jruizwerkema@mhaorangeny.com
Internship address: 73 James P Kelly Way, Middletown NY 10940
Population: Adults
Type of site: Resource Management Facility
Possible duties: Office work, helpline support, record keeping, organizing related educational meetings/outreaches and other activities as they arise.
Estimated driving time from Marist: 35 minutes
Site: Nathan S Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research (R)
Name of contact person: Kristin Dietz Trautman, L.C.S.W.,Research Scientist, Clinical Evaluation Center, Co-Director, NKI Internship Program
Phone of contact person: (845) 398-5432
Email: Kristin.Trautman@NKI.rfmh.org
Internship address: 140 Old Orangeburg Road, Orangeburg, NY 10962
Population: Individuals with mental illness
Type of sites: research
Possible duties: conduct research, learn about research procedures
Estimated driving time from Marist: 1 hour
Site: National Institute Of Drug Abuse (NIDA) Summer Internship Program
Site: Newburgh Enlarged City School District (School Psychologist) (Sch, Ch)
Name of contact person: Jennifer Arroyo, MS Ed
Phone for contact person: (845) 568-6466
Internship address: 525 Union Avenue New Windsor NY 12553
Population: students
Type of sites: school
Possible duties: conduct classroom observations, sit in on CSE meetings, learn about psyc assessments, participate in student support meetings, shadow school psychologist
Estimated driving time from Marist: 45 Minutes
Site: New Horizons Resources, Inc. (HR, C, DD)
Name of contact person: Sandi Swan
Phone for contact person: (845) 473-3000, x1354
Email: sswan@nhrny.org
Internship address: 123 West Road, Pleasant Valley, NY 12569
Internship webpage: www.nhrny.org
Population: NHR supports people with developmental/intellectual disabilities
Type of site: primarily residential for Clinical internships; primarily administrative for Human Resources
Possible duties: Intern opportunities available in clinical department and Human Resources Department. Intern in clinical department will have the opportunity to actively participate in assessment, program planning and delivery, individual and group counseling, and supporting people in obtaining and maintaining citizenship roles within the community. Typical duties of an intern in Human Resources department could include assisting with recruiting/hiring functions, benefits administration, administrative support, staff development, and working on special projects. Interns may decide to concentrate on a specific Human Resources discipline or may state interest in a more rounded experience.
Estimated driving time from Marist: 15-20 minutes
Site: Orange County Department of Mental Health (C, CI, CJ)
Name of contact person: Dr. Carmen Elizondo, LCSW, PsyD
Phone for contact person: (845) 291-7540
Email: celizondo@orangecountygov.com
Internship address:110 Wells Farm Road, Goshen, NY 10924
Population: adults and young adults
Type of sites: forensic setting
Possible duties: co-teaching and/or co-facilitating counseling, crisis intervention and discharge planning
Estimated driving time from Marist: about 50 minutes
Site: Orange County Youth Bureau (P)
Name of Contact Person:Rachael Wilson, Executive Director
Phone of Contact person: (845) 291-2399
E mail: rwilson@orangecounty.gov
Internship address: 30 Matthews Street, Suite 107, Goshen, NY 10924
Internship webpage: http://www.orangecountygov.com/
Population: Youth
Type of site: Youth and adults
Possible duties: Administrative work of a county department receiving state funding, experience in grant writing, allocation of funds, monitoring and evaluation of programs, claims reimbursement, budgeting, planning, coordination of non profit and municipal providers and program development.
Estimated driving time from Marist: 60 minutes
Site: Poughkeepsie City School District (Ch, Sch)
Name of contact person: Tim Wade, Assistant Superintendent For Administrative Services
Phone for contact person: (845) 451-49o0, x4972 (Secretary Barbra williams)
Email address: twade@poughkeepsieschools.org
Internship address: 11 College Avenue, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603
Population: Children
Type of site: School
Possible duties: Help provide a safe, supportive environment where children are encouraged to explore their own interests. Possible paid positions available.
Estimated driving time from Marist: 15 minutes
Site: Project More Women's Center (CJ, C, CM)
Name of contact person: Cherrel Evanstillery
Phone for contact person: 845-452-6747
Email: cherrel.evanstillery@projectmore.org
Internship address: 33 Arlington Avenue, Suite 5 Poughkeepsie NY 12603
Population: female offenders
Type of sites: office
Possible duties: Work with female offenders and reintegration into society, intake assessments, observe group therapy sessions and mental health counseling sessions
Estimated driving time from Marist: 15 min
Site: Restorative Management Corp. (C, D/A)
Name of contact person: Erin Schoebel
Phone for contact person: (845) 561-5783
Email: erin@rmcnet.cc
Internship address: 172 Liberty St., Newburgh, NY
Population: 120 outpatient chemical dependency clients
Type of site: outpatient chemical dependency
Possible duties: observation of counseling
Estimated driving time from Marist: 30 minutes
Site: Smart Staffing Group, LLC
Name of contact person: Cecilia Cook, M.A.
Phone for contact person: (845) 433-0700 ext. 3
Email: info@smartstaffinggroup.com
Internship address: 82 Washington Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Population: potential employees
Type of sites: maintain database of resumes, assist with online applications, gain experience in human resources
Estimated driving time from Marist: 10 minutes
Site: Taconic D.D.S.O.O. (Developmental Disabilities) Program Center (Sch, DD)
Name of contact person: Debra Lloyd, Human Resources Specialist
Phone for contact person: (845) 877-6821, x3367
Email: debra.lloyd@opwdd.ny.gov
Internship address: 25 Center Circle, Wassaic, NY 12592
Population: developmentally disabled individuals
Type of sites: varies depending on position; outpatient day programs, residential homes, office settings in Putnam, Dutchess, Columbia Greene and Ulster Counties
Possible duties: Several positions may be available for undergraduate students; responsibilities will vary greatly depending on specific position. Contact Debra Lloyd for more information.
Site: Taconic D.D.S.O.O. (Developmental Disabilities) Program Center (DD, CM)
Name of contact person: Debra Lloyd, Human Resources Specialist
Phone for contact person: (845) 877-6821, x3367
Email: debra.lloyd@opwdd.ny.gov
Internship address: 25 Center Circle, Wassaic, NY 12592
Population: developmentally disabled individuals
Type of sites: varies depending on position; outpatient day programs, residential homes, office settings in Putnam, Dutchess, Columbia Greene and Ulster Counties
Possible duties: Several positions may be available for undergraduate students; responsibilities will vary greatly depending on specific position. Contact Debra Lloyd for more information.
Site: Transitions Community Residence (D/A, CM)
Name of contact person: Matt Reddan
Phone for contact person: (845) 452-0148 ext 101
Internship address: 21 Cheney Drive, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Population: Adults
Type of sites: Residential
Possible duties: Living skills, substance abuse education, group-living facilitation
Estimated driving time from Marist: 10 minutes
Site: Ulster County District Attorney’s Office (CJ)
Name of contact person: David Clegg, District Attorney
Phone for contact person: (845) 340-3280
Internship address: 275 Wall Street Kingston NY 12401
Internship webpage: https://ulstercountyny.gov/da
Email: ucda@co.ulster.ny.us *When reaching out, please put to Attn: Emannuelle Nneji
Type of site: Law office, courthouse
Possible duties: observing court proceedings, witness preparation, assisting with trial preparation, attending crime scenes.
Most of the duties will involve shadowing the ADA's, jail call monitoring, attending court proceedings, assisting attorneys who are on trial and anything else that comes up that may be of interest.
Site: United Way Of The Dutchess-Orange Region (HR, R)
Name of contact person: Melissa Clark
Phone for contact person: (845) 471-1900 ext. 3128 / Cell: 845-200-1290
Email: mclark@uwdor.org
Internship address: 75 Market Street, Poughkeepsie NY 12601
Type of sites: As the area's premier impact organization, United Way of the Dutchess-Orange Region serves as a catalyst to increase the community's capacity to improve the lives of its citizens. Our aim is to support nonprofits in our region through investing in social change, recruiting and managing volunteers and providing economically disadvantaged individuals with basic necessities, material goods and professional training. We fight for the health, education and financial stability of every person in our community. We pride ourselves in having a culture in which staff, interns and volunteers can voice their ideas.
Possible duties:
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Intern
Diversity is a core value at United Way. We are passionate about building and sustaining an inclusive and equitable work environment for staff, volunteers, and community members. We believe every member on our team enriches our diversity by exposing us to a broad range of ways to understand and engage with the world, identify challenges, and to discover, design and deliver solutions.
This is an exciting opportunity to help us continue building capacity for our DEI work.
*Please note this internship will be fully remote and requires that you have access to a reliable computer/internet and phone*
Key Responsibilities: This intern will work within the Community Impact Department to assist with the administrative tasks, community outreach and engagement related to our DEI work.
Reporting Relationship:
This position reports to the Senior Director of Community Impact
Key Performance Metrics:
· Provide support to the Sr. Director of Community Impact for work conducted on behalf of the Community Impact Department
· Integrate information and prepare meeting agendas and goal setting for our DEI Committee
· Help to ensure that all UW events and meetings are accessible
· Become familiarized with and utilize the United Way Worldwide Equity Framework in all assigned tasks and projects
· Assist with creating and posting social media content for related DEI topics
· Assist in building and planning our annual equity challenging
Estimated driving time from Marist: 5 minutes
Site: United States Military Academy - West Point (Sp)
Name of contact person: Eric Wall
Phone for contact person: (845) 938-7818
Email: eric.wall@usma.edu
Internship address: 758 Cullum Road, West Point, NY 10996
Internship webpage: www.usma.edu/cep/SitePages/Home.aspx
Population: cadets, athletes
Type of sites: office
Possible duties: The selected candidate will initially work on many operations or administrative tasks, but with the potential to meet individually with Cadet-Athletes as the semester moves forward. There will also be knowledge sessions each month that explore information that pertains to full-time work in the field of Athletic Academic Support; i.e. eligibility requirements, APR, other athletic related information, etc.
Estimated driving time from Marist: 1 hour 15 min
Site: United Way of Dutchess County (R)
Name of the Contact Person: Kristin E. Perez
Phone of Contact Person: (845) 471-1900, x22
E mail: kperez@unitedwaydutchess.org
Internship address: 75 Market Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Internship webpage: http://www.unitedwaydutchess.org/
Population: Dutchess County Non Profit
Type of site: Office
Possible duties: Organization research, database work, Survey research work.
Estimated driving time from Marist: 10 minutes
Site: Wimpfheimer Nursery School at Vassar College (OT, Sch, Ch)
Name of contact person: BethAnn Serwatka-Hasbrouck
Phone for contact person: (845) 437-5630 (main office)
Email: beserwatka@vassar.edu
Internship address: Actual: 30 Kenyon Drive, Poughkeepsie, NY 12604-0485
Mailing Address: Wimpfheimer Nursery School, Box 485, Vassar College,
124 Raymond Avenue, Poughkeepsie, NY 12604-0485
Population: Programs for children from toddlers to our school age after school program (K-5th grade). This is an inclusion school and provides developmental support and learning opportunities for all children
Type of site: lab school on Vassar's campus
Possible duties: Internships are designed to support the learning goals of the students. Projects can include (but are not limited to) the following: working in an inclusion classroom - preschool or school age; shadowing a supervisor for administrative/business aspects of early childhood education; following a single child as a case study (primarily observation); observing an OT, PT, Speech therapist; observing a SEIT - special education itinerant teacher
Estimated driving time from Marist: 15 minutes
Site: Woodland Pond At New Paltz
Name of the Contact Person: Nicole Petit
Phone of Contact Person: (845) 256-5931
Email: npetit@wpatnp.org
Internship address: 200 Woodland Park Circle, New Paltz NY 12561
Internship webpage: www.woodlandpondnp.org
Population: 65+ years old
Type of site: 100 bed assisted living/ nursing home
Possible duties: The Social Services department at Woodland Pond handles a variety of tasks that are different day-to-day. Some of these will include: Resident interviews, mood and cognitive assessments, documentation of progress notes, completion of DOH forms, filing, meetings with interdisciplinary team and with residents/families, developing care plans, quality assurance audits, assisting with access to insurance benefits, grievances, etc. Interns have had various opportunities over the years to work on projects that help to improve services porvided at Woodland Pond.
Estimated driving time from Marist: 22 minutes
Site: YWCA of Ulster County (CM)
Name of contact person: Krista Adams
Phone for contact person: (845) 338-6844, x110
Email: appsywca@hvc.rr.com
Internship address: 209 Clinton Ave., Kingston, NY 12401
Internship webpage: www.ywcaulstercounty.org
Population: children, adolescents, women, and families
Type of sites: agency, school, residential, and community sites
Possible duties: group facilitation, project participation, attendance of area meetings, community groups, trainings, accompany site supervisor
Estimated driving time from Marist: 40 minutes
Prefers the 9 hour/week (3 credit) fieldwork student.
Apply to Pre-Approved Internship Placements
1. Plan early and do not procrastinate! Recall the deadlines for having an internship set up.
- Since sites often take interns on a "first-come, first-chance-at-being-accepted" basis, students should act early to ensure that a greater number of sites will be available to them.
- Also, students need to allow plenty of time for the other people involved to process and respond to internship application information.
- Remember: A time crunch emergency for a student does not translate into a time crunch for a Site Supervisor or the Internship Coordinator.
2. Speak with your PSYC Academic Advisor about how you can make a meaningful choice of placement that connects with your career pursuits. Clarify the characteristics of the ideal experience, such as the type of:
- Setting - research, school, residential, hospital, outpatient, business office, etc.
- Age groups - children, adolescents, adults, etc.
- Populations - developmentally disabled, psychiatric patients, criminals/juvenile delinquents, etc.
- Responsibilities - work with people, administrative duties, teaching, research, counseling, etc.
3. Prepare to make contact: create lists of questions to ask over the phone, update resume, etc. Prepare to identify yourself and give the following information:
- Indicate that you are a Marist Undergraduate Psychology major.
- Tell them what "year" you are: junior or senior.
- Indicate what semester you hope to do an internship.
- Inform them of the internship schedule you are interested in: 9-, 18-, 27-, or 36-hour/week schedule.
- Give them your contact information.
4. Make contact
- Call or email, offer a resume, and schedule interviews (optional). The preferred means of contacting sites is via phone. Be clear on how and when you are available for them to try to reach you.
- Dress professionally for interviews.
- Bring your internship contract with you. If you decide that this will be the site for your internship, you already have the contract with you to complete with the site supervisor.
- Give forethought to all the details to ask about. Students should be clear in knowing what their own needs and expectations are and those of the internship sites.
- Get a description of internship activities and responsibilities.
- Discuss scheduling of internship hours.
5. Accept, reject, or hold offers of internship positions.
- Students must inform agencies of their decision to either accept or reject an offer of a position in a timely manner. Agencies need to know if their offer is being refused so that they may offer the intern position to another student.
- After accepting a position, write up the required internship contract (see the Internship Contract section below under "What is Expected of Interns") with assistance from your site supervisor.
- In some cases, a student might receive an offer, but needs time to think it over or time to see if another site will make an offer. In these cases, the student should clearly state that they are requesting to hold the offer for a specific amount of time, and then respond with an acceptance or rejection. Note: Internship sites are not obligated to say yes to such a request.
Proposing a New Internship Site
New internship placements may be proposed to the Internship Coordinator following the guidelines described below.
Note: The proposal of a new site must be submitted at least ONE MONTH before the internship paperwork submission deadline.
- The new internship site must be within a 60-minute-drive radius from Marist College.
- Propose, in writing, the new internship site and provide a substantial rationale for why the proposed site is needed instead of any of the pre-approved sites.
- Provide student's contact information: email address, mailing address, phone and fax.
- Provide information about the agency: its mission, services, programs, staffing, populations served, and accreditation by organizations such as the State Department of Mental Health. This information is sometimes already prepared and made available by the agencies, for example in the form of brochures for the public. Such brochures or pamphlets could be attached to this proposal.
- Provide a description of internship job duties as delineated by the agency (NOT a list of duties created by the student). This needs to be as specific as possible since this is the crux of the internship experience.
- Provide the name, credentials, and years of experience of the proposed supervisor. Also include email address, mailing address, phone and fax numbers.
- Have a representative of the new site complete the Internship Site Directory Information Form.
- Send all this information to the Internship Coordinator, who will render a decision, usually within two weeks.
- The Internship Coordinator will add a new site to the site directory following its approval.
Internship Course Sequence & Course Numbers for Registration
The Internship Sequence of Courses and their respective course numbers are:
- PSYC487N (3 credits; Required for PSYC major)
- PSYC488N (3 credits; Required for PSYC major)
- PSYC489N (3 credits; General Elective only; NOT counted as PSYC elective)
- PSYC490N (3 credits; General Elective only; NOT counted as PSYC elective)
- PSYC491N (3 credits; General Elective only; NOT counted as PSYC elective)
- Students may begin their internship no earlier than the first day of the semester's classes. The internship must be completed before the last day of the semester's exam period.
- Internship hours must be spread evenly across the semester; a student cannot concentrate hours (e.g., work overtime) for a shorter period without approval from the Internship Coordinator. Requests must be submitted in writing.
- Students shall not register for more than 12 credits of Internship in one semester (because registering for 12 credits in one semester would require that students work a full-time internship schedule: 36 to 40 hours a week for a total of 500 work hours).
- Students cannot complete more than 15 credits of Psychology Internship during the undergraduate program.
Internship Contract and Code of Ethics Forms
Complete both forms and submit to the Internship Coordinator by the deadline:
2. The Code of Ethics and Professional Behavior
The Internship Coordinator is:
Yasmine Awais, PhD, LCAT
Marist College
3399 North Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-1387
phone: (845) 575-3000 x2060
email: yasmine.awais@marist.edu
Students Must abide by the following Policies and Procedures:
- Once an internship site has been chosen, the student and Site Supervisor must complete the Internship Contract. The contract is a vital part of the internship process as it establishes the details of a learning experience that is the culmination of a student's academic career and shapes the transition towards the world of work. See the Internship Contract in the forms section.
- Students are required to use their Marist e-mail account for communication purposes. Email is particularly important since it is difficult for the Faculty Supervisor, Internship Coordinator, and others to contact many students.
- A NEW Internship Contract must be submitted for each semester that internship is performed, even if it is at the same site.
- Students might consider having the Internship Coordinator review a draft of the contract before pursuing approval and signatures. Students are encouraged to retain a copy of their Internship Contract for their own records.
- The contract must be approved and signed by the Site Supervisor, the Internship Student, and the Internship Coordinator. Students are not permitted to begin at an internship site without the contract having been approved and signed by the Internship Coordinator. Students must submit the internship contract to OneDrive for the Internship Coordinator's review and signature as the last step.
- If multiple copies of the contract are required (e.g., a copy for the student, one for the site, etc.), the student should submit multiple copies to those who must sign them.
- Regarding the stipulation of work schedule in the contract, it should be noted that during the fall and spring semesters, the internship hours must be spread across 14 workweeks. During the summer, there are fewer weeks available. Thus the internship hours must be spread across 12 workweeks. Internship is not permitted during the winter intersession.
- Regarding internship start and end dates, students may begin their internship no earlier than the first day of the semester's classes. The internship must be completed before the last day of the semester's exam period.
- Special Requests: Make requests, in writing, to the Internship Coordinator by the deadline whenever the student seeks a deviation from standard policies and procedures in any aspect of the internship process (e.g., request to start internship early or to end later than finals week, request to propose a new site beyond the one-hour-drive distance, etc.).
- Students must complete the Code of Ethics and Professional Behavior Form, which must then be reviewed by the Internship Coordinator and found to be satisfactory. Students must agree to act within the bounds of the Code of Ethics of the American Psychological Association (see www.apa.org).
- Students cannot begin at an internship site without the review and approval of the Code of Ethics and Professional Behavior Form and the Internship Contract by the Internship Coordinator.
Confirmation & Communications
I. Wait for the email from the Internship Coordinator
You must await an email that will indicate approval, or problems, with your internship preparation and forms.
These emails will be sent within 10 days past the deadline when the forms were due.
II. Wait for the email from your assigned Faculty Supervisor
Your faculty supervisor will send you the syllabus about a week before your internship semester begins. The syllabus will detail expectations regarding the requirements to earn a "P" (Passing) grade.
III. Students should email the Faculty Supervisor
Students should email their Faculty Supervisor if you have not received the email above.
- All students must use their @Marist.edu email account for all internship communications.
- Students may begin their internship no earlier than the first day of the semester's classes. The internship must be completed before the last day of the semester's exam period.
Internship Sites and Supervisors
What is Expected of Marist
In terms of Internship Experience for Marist Psychology students, it is important that all parties involved understand what is expected of Marist. The appropriate Psychology Department faculty members (e.g., the Intership Coordinator, the Faculty Supervisors, etc.) will:
- Confirm the eligibility of students proposing to go on an internship.
- Make decisions regarding students' requests for exceptions to standard internship policies/procedures.
- Determine the suitability of internship sites as placement for the students.
- Determine reasonable limits regarding the number of students who are allowed to do an internship at a particular site.
- Assign faculty supervisors to students for personal and professional support and to act as a liaison between the internship site and the College.
- Help the students integrate their academic learning and field experiences.
- Provide academic advising to assist in the clarification of career planning.
- Assign a grade of "Pass" or "No Credit" for the fieldwork experience.
- Provide Certificate of Insurance Liability forms when necessary
What is Expected of Internship Sites and Supervisors
The internship site and supervisor are expected to:
1. Provide an Internship Site Supervisor who…
- Possesses appropriate levels of education/training given the level of the responsibilities given to students.
- Is committed to the growth and development of students.
- Has time to supervise Interns and is frequently available to the Intern.
2. Provide meaningful work and…
- Provide an overview of job, work assignments, time frame, and application procedures.
- Explore what activities and experiences the Intern is interested in pursuing.
- Provide appropriate training to Interns so that they can perform their duties effectively.
- Provide appropriate office space and resources so that the Interns can perform their jobs successfully.
- Refrain from having Interns drive either their own or agency vehicles to transport the internship's personnel, clientele, patients, consumers, etc.
- Refrain from having Interns engage in psychological testing activities in which the tests used require higher levels of education and training according to the specific test user qualification guidelines.
- Refrain from having Interns perform restraints on persons served by an internship, unless the Intern has agreed to perform these duties and has been appropriately trained by the internship.
3. Select Interns through a responsible and fair process and...
- Review resumes and interview Intern candidates as needed.
- Have a policy not to discriminate against qualified applicants and employees on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, status as a Vietnam-era veteran, or special disabled veteran.
- Approve and sign off on the Internship Contract.
- Provide Interns with information regarding work attire, and agree on days and times they will be on site.
- Inform Interns of required medical treatment/immunizations and cover the costs of such treatments whenever possible.
4. Supervise the Intern and…
- Introduce Interns to staff members.
- Provide an orientation to Interns.
- Provide any training for the skills required to fulfill the role.
- Meet with Interns at weekly supervision sessions to provide feedback.
- Monitor and discuss the Intern's emotional and developmental responses to the work they are doing.
- Keep in touch with the Faculty Supervisor as needed.
5. Give and Receive Evaluations…
- Communicate with the Faculty Supervisor periodically to share information about the Intern's progress.
- Conduct an end-of-experience evaluation of the Intern using the Evaluation of the Intern form. This form must be completed and sent to the Faculty Supervisor in a timely fashion, and is an important source of information for determination of the "Pass/No Credit" grade assigned by the Faculty Supervisor.
Request a Marist Certificate of Insurance/Liability
Contact the Internship Coordinator and include the following information in the request for the Certificate of Insurance:
- The name, title, and email address of the person requesting the certificate.
- The name, address, phone, and fax number of the agency where the certificate must be sent.
- The name(s) of the Marist PSYC student(s) performing an internship.
- Specific details of what is requested. For example, often a Certificate of Insurance specifically naming the internship site/agency as a certificate holder is usually requested. Also, sometimes the phrase "Marist Psychology internship students" is asked to be identified on the certificate.
- The dates of coverage must be stipulated. For example, if the student is doing an internship in the spring of 2025, the dates of coverage can read "Spring semester 2025."
Once the above information is received by the Internship Coordinator, the Certificate of Insurance will be requested from the Marist Business Office (Amaryah Popovic). The Business Office will send the certificate as soon as possible.
Below is the Internship Coordinator and contact information:
Yasmine Awais, PhD, LCAT
Marist College
3399 North Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-1387
phone: (845) 575-3000 x2060
email: yasmine.awais@marist.edu