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Center for Student-Athlete Enhancement

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Academic Information and Services

Academic Review Sessions

Academic Review and Drop-In Sessions: Check back for more information on this semester's drop-in sessions.


Academic Services

Student-Athlete Enhancement

The Center for Student-Athlete Enhancement (CSAE) staff members work closely with student-athletes as well as faculty advisors on academic planning, study skills, goal-setting, majors, minors, etc. The Athletics-Academic Advisement program has two main focuses: The first is to be a valuable resource to the student-athlete for all types of collegiate information. Gates and her staff help student-athletes create a class schedule that allows each individual to maximize class participation without compromising their athletic commitments. The office also assists student-athletes to identify major and pre-professional programs that will prepare them for life in the professional world. Additionally, CSAE serves as a safety net. In this capacity, the office staff monitors student-athletes progress through the course of the semester. Should a student-athlete begin to struggle in a class, the professional staff intervenes and helps the individual through the learning process by identifying the problem and assisting in organizing tutorials and study hall sessions to help the student better understand class material and improve their study skills.

CSAE as well as Marist's National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR), help the student-athletes to prioritize their time so as not to be overwhelmed by the adjustment to university life. They provide assistance in helping the student-athlete to balance the rigors of academic and athletic demands. 

New Library Resource

Need assistance with a paper? Having trouble with research? Need to schedule an appointment? Contact librarian Elizabeth Clarke.


CSAE is now offering proofreading services on Sunday evenings. Student-Athletes may attend drop-in hours with a member from the Writing Center who will assist with editing papers.


Student-athletes can request tutoring through the Center for Student-Athlete Enhancement.  Please contact your athletic academic advisor for more information.

Academic Success Program

Any student-athlete falling at or below a 2.3 GPA will be required to complete 6 study hall hours per week. All hours must be completed in the Center for Student-Athlete Enhancement. This time is to be used for academic purposes only! Failure to complete study hall hours that are required can lead to suspension from the next competition.