Campus Pause Update And Important Return To Campus COVID-19 Testing Information
We are writing to inform you that Marist will be continuing our precautionary campus pause through Wednesday, April 7. This will allow the College to analyze the data available as late as Monday from relevant testing protocols to make the best decision about what, if any, on-ground activities can be resumed. We all understand the challenge of the current environment and appreciate the difficulty these public health measures present to all members of the Marist community. Please continue to follow appropriate safety protocols, and be sure to do what you can to register to be vaccinated now that New York State has lowered the eligibility to 16 years old.
If you left the campus community, you must retest upon arrival to campus.
As a reminder, it is College policy (communicated on March 19th) that any student who leaves the campus community for any period of time over 24 hours must attend surveillance testing within 24 hours of return to campus. In addition, they must practice a self-imposed quarantine (e.g. take classes online, eat in their room, limit interactions with others) until test results are received by the College. Students who remained on campus or in the immediate campus community and have complied with surveillance testing are not required to test in this manner.
- Students who left campus during the pause must sign up for a testing slot within 24 hours of their return to campus between April 5-11.
- Weekday registration is available from 6:00 - 7:00 pm, and weekend slots are available between Noon - 1:00 pm.
- Registration is now open and available through IMLeagues, and must be completed in advance. Testing will take place at Allied Health.
- Select “Sign Up, ”and create an account. Select “Marist College” in the “Select School/Organization” drop-down menu.
- Sign in with your Marist credentials and indicate your student status.
- To register for a test, select the “Marist College April Testing” tab and click “Test Session Registration.”
- Select “April Testing” and complete registration. Upon completion of your registration, you will receive a confirmation email with day-of testing instructions.
- In New York: visit New York State’s vaccination site: starting Tuesday, April 6 to schedule an appointment.
- In New York: register for COVID-19 vaccination updates from Dutchess County Government to be notified when there is an appointment available at specific locations:
- In All Locations: utilize Vaccine Finder, a centralized, searchable database, to track vaccine availability in pharmacies, health care providers, and municipalities across the United States.
Geoff Brackett, Executive Vice President
Thom Wermuth, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Deb DiCaprio, Vice President for Student Affairs