
Online Summer and Winter Sessions Give Students Freedom

Julia Fishman

Registration is now open for Summer Session


April 10, 2019—With the spring semester winding down, most Marist undergraduates are probably not thinking about online Summer Session courses, but Toni Constantino, Manager for Online Programs, is on a mission to change their minds.

“Online summer and winter sessions have so much to offer,” she said. “A brief, but intensive time investment can make all the difference for a student trying to complete prerequisites or make room for another activity such as study abroad or an internship.”

Emily O’Hare ’19, a fashion merchandising major, agreed. “I took a winter session course this year. While I was not behind credit-wise, I chose to do so to lighten my load for my last semester here. Taking that class enabled me to intern in New York City three days per week this semester while also working on my senior capstone project,” she explained. “And I enjoyed the course—History of Photography with Professor Lempka—and overall had a great experience.”

Christi Schmitt ’20, a business administration major, took the same course in order to get ahead on her minor in digital photography. 

For Gabriella Zubradt ’21, a business administration/marketing major, the goal is clear: she wants to graduate early. Zubradt took three classes in the summer of 2018. But the course load gave her more than just the opportunity to get ahead. “Taking Statistics online was great because my instructor used video lectures so students could watch step-by-step how to solve equations.”

Some 2019 Summer Sessions course offerings include Financial Accounting, Excel, Introduction to Criminal Justice, and American History I. To learn more, contact Toni Constantino via email at or visit To register, click here.



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