Silver Needle Runway Team's Creativity Gives Boost to Community

April 16, 2024 — The 38th annual Silver Needle Runway (SNR) is fast approaching! SNR has established itself as a prominent annual event, drawing attention from both the Marist community and residents of the Hudson Valley, along with leaders in the fashion industry. As the show day approaches, the fashion merchandising students responsible for SNR are actively engaging with the community to promote the event.
Recently, members of the SNR branding team used their creative fashion talents to brighten the days of children at the Newburgh Armory. Marist students guided children in crafting no-sew pillows and provided SNR38-themed plushies for them to stuff. They also demonstrated how to use a Cricut machine, enabling the kids to cut out designs in heat transfer vinyl and personalize their pillows and plushie shirts effortlessly.
Two of Stuff-a-Plush from the Newburgh Armory Volunteer Event. Photo courtesy of Maddie Barone '24
The children unleashed their creativity to the fullest, adorning their creations with their names, favorite words, and more. Most crafting materials were sourced from past SNR shows, making this project zero-waste and highlighting the show's commitment to sustainability.
“This is the second time that SNR has hosted a workshop at the Newburgh Armory, so it was once again, a great experience to get to hang out with the kids and offer them an outlet to let their creativity shine,” said Maddie Barone '24, SNR38 Branding Director. “Community is one of our core pillars while working on SNR, so this workshop was something we were excited to incorporate into our plans for this semester.”
SNR38 is entirely produced by students from the fashion show production class. Throughout the semester, these students dedicate themselves to every facet of the event, spanning from promotion and production to featuring student-designed pieces in the runway showcase.
Image of models on the runway at SNR37. Photo by Carlo de Jesus/Marist College.
Silver Needle Runway Tickets Now Available!
Excitement is on the rise as the show draws closer, now less than a month away! Tickets are now on sale for the show, which takes place May 3 at 7:00 p.m. in the McCann Center.
Tickets are available online, with all proceeds directly supporting the College's Fashion Scholarship Fund.