Professional Programs students at commencement

School of Professional Programs

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Management Studies

The Management Studies major is designed for the adult learner who is motivated to advance their career.  A compact yet comprehensive general management curriculum forms the heart of this accelerated bachelor’s degree completion program.  It is designed to combine the insights of our faculty with guidance from practicing professionals. 

Working in highly collaborative environments with learning support provided by faculty facilitators through face-to-face and web-based communications, students will gain knowledge and skills in:

  • Key Management Disciplines
  • Leadership
  • Problem Solving
  • Critical Thinking


  • 100% Online: all of the courses in the program are available in a 100% online format, each over an 8-week period. Our leading-edge online learning platform – iLearn – is designed to provide participants with an engaging experience using an asynchronous model.

  • Hybrid format:  Available for  the 12 courses (36 credits) that constitute the major and the 4 elective courses (12 credits).  The blended format for these 16 courses combines a classroom component with online component which is also delivered over an 8-week period.  These blended courses are offered at the Marist main campus in Poughkeepsie, NY.

It is essential that students have access to the latest computer and web capabilities in order to complete course work in the online and hybrid format.


The distinctiveness of the Management Studies major really comes from the combination of several key benefits.

  • First is the curriculum of the program. Marist has designed the Management Studies major to balance a comprehensive foundation across the disciplines of management with a focus that allows an accessible and transfer credit friendly framework. In this way, students are provided five 8-week blocks per year to enroll in courses and earn a bachelor’s degree very quickly.
  • Second, the students in the Management Studies major receive exceptional student service in learning support, advising, registration, billing, and a variety of other services administered either online or face-to-face, allowing busy adults to focus on their primary objective - completing their education.

For students interested in the blended courses, this format provides another form of distinctiveness for the Management Studies Program. Many adult students would like to include some face-to-face learning opportunities in their studies but these options often require committing to many evenings over several months to a course, a fixed commitment that can be difficult to accommodate for working adults. In contrast, Marist has designed the blended courses in the Management Studies program to offer the best of both worlds: the opportunity to work with classmates and professors in a traditional face-to-face format while also using an online platform for optimal flexibility. Each of the blended courses is completed over 8-weeks and includes four evening sessions of approximately 3.5 hours each. This innovative design allows students to complete courses quickly and experience the benefits of both in-person interaction and technology-facilitated accessibility.


The Management Studies major leads to the completion of a Bachelor of Science (BS) undergraduate degree. The major consists of 12 required courses (36 credits), any of which (except MGMT 477) are eligible to be satisfied via transfer credits:

Dual Degree Management Studies + MPA

The following graduate courses may be taken by students accepted into the dual degree Management Studies + MPA program during their senior year.  Students are encouraged to speak with their academic advisor if they wish to pursue the dual degree.

  • MPA 500 Introduction to Public Management
  • MPA 505 Human Resource Management in Public Organization
  • MPA 506 Administrative Law
  • MPA 508 Statistics for Public Managers

Dual Program Management Studies + Advanced Certificate in Business Analytics

The following graduate courses may be taken by students accepted into the dual program Management Studies + Advanced Certificate in Business Analytics during their senior year.  Students are encouraged to speak with their academic advisor if they wish to pursue the dual program.

  • MSIS 537 Data Management I
  • MSIS 545 Intro to Data Analysis & Comp Statistics
  • MSIS 637 Decision Support Systems
  • MSIS 645 Data Mining & Predictive Analytics

Management Studies students enter with varying numbers of transferable credits. Accordingly, they will work closely with an Academic Advisor to satisfy any remaining credits to reach the 120 credits required for graduation.


The courses in the Management Studies major are offered in the following 8-week periods:

  • Two in the Fall semester
  • Two in the Spring semester
  • One in the Summer semester

Students can join the program at the start of any one of these five 8-week periods.  Marist also offers a 4-week Winter session between the Fall and Spring semesters. Students can also enroll in courses in the Winter session if desired.

Online courses are offered in all of these schedule periods (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall). The hybrid courses are currently offered only in the Fall and Spring semester schedules.  Each hybrid course includes four evening sessions spaced out two-weeks apart. Each evening session is scheduled for 3.5 hours. In the intervening weeks, the course continues in an online format. Overall, students should expect to spend about 10 hours per week in the online learning platform plus additional time for reading, writing papers, and group projects.

Based on this schedule, students who are registered for 12 credits (four courses) in each of the Fall and Spring semesters can ensure their eligibility for full-time financial assistance during the academic year. Students are encouraged to save or accumulate surpluses from this financial assistance in order to cover tuition for the Summer or Winter sessions if they are interested in these additional opportunities.

Admission Requirements

  • Minimum of two years of previous work experience

Application Process & Documents

  • Completed undergraduate admissions application form
  • $50 application fee (non-refundable)
  • Official transcript(s) from all previous institutions
  • Official high school transcript (or GED documentation)
  • Personal essay
  • Current résumé

Tuition & Costs

  • Tuition: $770.00 per credit
  • Tuition Deposit: $100.00