Marist's New KPCB Fellow
A winner of the 2013 Apple Worldwide Developers Design Award as well as a back-to-back winner of
Apple's WWDC Student Scholarship award, Bryan used that success to land an internship last summer at Upthere, a cloud technology startup in Palo Alto, Cal. There, Bryan learned that most of his intern colleagues had come to the company through the KPCB Engineering Fellows Program.
Inspired to apply himself, Bryan became one of just 60 top technology students chosen from a pool of some 2,500 applicants to participate in this prestigious program. As a KPCB Fellow, Bryan will head back to Silicon Valley this summer and work on the iOS team at MyFitnessPal, the top free fitness app on the iOS platform and a KPCB portfolio company.
By working at MyFitnessPal, Bryan will continue to further his software development skills. As a Fellow with KPCB, a legendary venture capital firm that was an early investor in tech giants like Amazon, Google, and Twitter, he will compliment that technical ability with extensive networking activities and programming that will help him better understand the tech industry from the business side.
All of which will serve Bryan, who is from Burlington, Conn., well with his post-graduation plan to start his own technology firm.
"The Marist Computer Science Department has prepared me well for working in the tech industry," Bryan says. "I’ve been able to apply a lot of what I’ve learned in class during my internships and even during interviews. I also think it’s really helpful to have professors that are enthusiastic and excited about the material they’re teaching, which has helped me not only understand topics better, but has also gotten me interested in things that I never thought I’d have a passion for."
Looking forward to his upcoming internship and fellowship, Bryan says, "I’m really excited about the opportunities I have in the short term, and even more excited thinking about what lies ahead five years from now."